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Last active November 30, 2024 01:53
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Convert-ImageToAsciiArt - PowerShell function to convert an image to ascii art
# NOTICE: This project has been moved to its own repository
function Convert-ImageToAsciiArt {
Function to convert an image to ascii art.
The function Convert-ImageToAsciiArt takes an image file path and converts the image to ASCII art.
The ASCII art is created by replacing each pixel in the image with an ASCII character based on the brightness of the pixel.
The ASCII characters used are specified in the $chars variable, and their brightness is determined by the grayscale value of the original pixel.
Convert-ImageToAsciiArt -ImagePath "C:\path\to\image.jpg"
Convert-ImageToAsciiArt -ImagePath "C:\path\to\image.jpg" -MaxWidth 80 -Contrast 75
param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Leaf'})]
[int]$MaxWidth = 120,
[int]$Contrast = 50
# Load the image and resize it to a maximum width of $MaxWidth.
$image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($ImagePath)
$ratio = $MaxWidth / $image.Width
$newWidth = [int]($image.Width * $ratio)
$newHeight = [int]($image.Height * $ratio)
$resizedImage = $image.GetThumbnailImage($newWidth, $newHeight, $null, [System.IntPtr]::Zero)
# Create a list of ASCII characters to use for the output.
$chars = @(' ', '.', ',', ':', ';', 'o', 'x', '%', '#', '@')
# Convert each pixel in the image to an ASCII character based on its brightness.
$asciiChars = for ($y = 0; $y -lt $resizedImage.Height; $y++) {
$line = for ($x = 0; $x -lt $resizedImage.Width; $x++) {
$pixel = $resizedImage.GetPixel($x, $y)
$brightness = ([int]$pixel.R * 0.299 + [int]$pixel.G * 0.587 + [int]$pixel.B * 0.114) / 255
$charIndex = [int]($brightness * ($chars.Count - 1))
[string]::Join('', $line)
# Apply the contrast parameter by replacing the ASCII characters with different
# characters based on their brightness.
$minCharIndex = 0
$maxCharIndex = $chars.Count - 1
$midCharIndex = [int](($minCharIndex + $maxCharIndex) / 2)
$contrastChars = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $chars.Count; $i++) {
$brightness = $i / ($chars.Count - 1)
if ($brightness -lt $Contrast / 200) {
elseif ($brightness -gt ($Contrast + 100) / 200) {
else {
$asciiChars = $asciiChars -replace "[{0}-{1}]" -f $minCharIndex, $maxCharIndex, $contrastChars
# Output the ASCII art.
Write-Output $asciiChars
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