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Clean Code! oO
Fair enough but you can see the kind of people that have jumped in on the comments.
In Web Designer, when using the shape tools (rect and oval) and pen tool, you'll create canvas elements which require JavaScript to render. Here's a gist using a div for a rectangle: https://gist.github.com/ericguzman/6768395, which requires no javascript.
It's also worth it to note that the large script block is our canvas runtime, which is a hit of fixed size for creating canvas content. Any subsequently added canvas elements will re-use the same runtime.
Hope that helps,
Eric - GWD team member
Did you actually read through any of that code at the top, or are you just assuming it's useless?
It looks like pretty boilerplate stuff that is probably included in /every/ page that this tool generates.
Good to see FrontPage alive and well!
@andybak - mostly agreed. But it's still helpful (to me) to see what its "Hello World" looks like. (shrug)