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Created October 25, 2023 08:29
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Guid type
export class Guid {
public static validator = new RegExp("^[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}$", "i");
public static EMPTY = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
public static isGuid(guid: any) {
const value: string = guid.toString();
return guid && (guid instanceof Guid || Guid.validator.test(value));
public static create(): Guid {
return new Guid([Guid.gen(2), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(3)].join("-"));
public static createEmpty(): Guid {
return new Guid("emptyguid");
public static parse(guid: string): Guid {
return new Guid(guid);
public static raw(): string {
return [Guid.gen(2), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(1), Guid.gen(3)].join("-");
private static gen(count: number) {
let out: string = "";
for (let i: number = 0; i < count; i++) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
out += (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
return out;
private value: string;
private constructor(guid: string) {
if (!guid) { throw new TypeError("Invalid argument; `value` has no value."); }
this.value = Guid.EMPTY;
if (guid && Guid.isGuid(guid)) {
this.value = guid;
public equals(other: Guid): boolean {
// Comparing string `value` against provided `guid` will auto-call
// toString on `guid` for comparison
return Guid.isGuid(other) && this.value === other.toString();
public isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.value === Guid.EMPTY;
public toString(): string {
return this.value;
public toJSON(): any {
return {
value: this.value,
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