How to install all that is needed for hubstaff cli access
eval $(echo "Z2l0IGNsb25lIGdpdEBnaXRodWIuY29tOk5ldHNvZnRIb2xkaW5ncy9zcmUtdG9vbGtpdC5naXQgJEhPTUUvLnNyZS10b29sa2l0OyAkSE9NRS8uc3JlLXRvb2xraXQvaW5zdGFsbC5zaAo=" | base64 -d)
brew install awscli
brew install --cask session-manager-plugin
Put the following code with the provided credentials into ~/.aws/config
[profile hubstaff]
aws_access_key_id = <YOUR AWS KEY ID>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR AWS SECRET KEY>
region = us-east-1
output = json
hs-aws-auth arn:aws:iam::532141675948:mfa/chocksy 77777
On setup follow the details from here:
Next download the Hubstaff Infra VPN client: Follow the details here and download the ovpn file:
hs-console server review 11294
This is the new requirement after updating the infra.
- Start the AWS VPN and connect
- Type in
hs-console server staging