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Created April 22, 2021 07:54
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Rewrite GATExpr with Metatheory.jl
using Catlab
using Catlab.Theories
@signature ZXCategory{Ob,Hom} <: DaggerCompactCategory{Ob,Hom} begin
# Argument α is the phase, usually <: Real
zphase(A::Ob, α)::(A → A)
zcopy(A::Ob, α)::(A → (A⊗A))
zdelete(A::Ob, α)::(A → munit())
zmerge(A::Ob, α)::((A⊗A) → A)
zcreate(A::Ob, α)::(munit() → A)
xphase(A::Ob, α)::(A → A)
xcopy(A::Ob, α)::(A → (A⊗A))
xdelete(A::Ob, α)::(A → munit())
xmerge(A::Ob, α)::((A⊗A) → A)
xcreate(A::Ob, α)::(munit() → A)
hadamard(A::Ob)::(A → A)
# Convenience methods for phaseless spiders.
zcopy(A) = zcopy(A,0)
zdelete(A) = zdelete(A,0)
zmerge(A) = zmerge(A,0)
zcreate(A) = zcreate(A,0)
xcopy(A) = xcopy(A,0)
xdelete(A) = xdelete(A,0)
xmerge(A) = xmerge(A,0)
xcreate(A) = xcreate(A,0);
@syntax ZXCalculus{ObExpr,HomExpr} ZXCategory begin
otimes(A::Ob, B::Ob) = associate_unit(new(A,B), munit)
otimes(f::Hom, g::Hom) = associate(new(f,g))
compose(f::Hom, g::Hom) = associate(new(f,g; strict=true))
using Metatheory, Metatheory.EGraphs
@metatheory_init ()
# Custom type APIs for the GATExpr
using Metatheory.TermInterface
TermInterface.gethead(t::ObExpr) = :call
TermInterface.getargs(t::ObExpr) = [head(t), t.args...]
TermInterface.gethead(t::HomExpr) = :call
TermInterface.getargs(t::HomExpr) = [head(t), t.args...]
# Type information will be stored in the metadata
function TermInterface.getmetadata(t::HomExpr)
return (; :codom => t.type_args[1], :dom => t.type_args[2], :module => typeof(t).name.module)
TermInterface.getmetadata(t::ObExpr) = (; :ob => t, :module => typeof(t).name.module)
TermInterface.istree(t::GATExpr) = true
TermInterface.arity(t::GATExpr) = length(getargs(t))
struct CatlabAnalysis <: AbstractAnalysis end
function EGraphs.make(an::Type{CatlabAnalysis}, g::EGraph, n::ENode{T}) where T
sym = n.head
if !(T <: GATExpr)
t = sym
return t
nmeta = getmetadata(n)
return nmeta
function EGraphs.join(an::Type{CatlabAnalysis}, from, to)
if haskey(from, :codom) && haskey(from, :dom) && haskey(from, :module)
@assert haskey(to, :codom) && haskey(to, :dom) && haskey(to, :module)
@assert from.codom == to.codom && from.dom == to.dom && from.module == to.module
return (; :codom => to.codom, :dom => to.dom, :module => to.module)
return from
EGraphs.islazy(x::Type{CatlabAnalysis}) = true
function infer(t::GATExpr)
g = EGraph(t)
analyze!(g, CatlabAnalysis)
getdata(geteclass(g, g.root), CatlabAnalysis)
function EGraphs.extractnode(n::ENode{T}, extractor::Function) where {T <: ObExpr}
@assert n.head == :call
return getmetadata(n).ob
function EGraphs.extractnode(n::ENode{T}, extractor::Function) where {T <: HomExpr}
@assert n.head == :call
nargs = extractor.(n.args)
nmeta = getmetadata(n)
return nmeta.module.Hom{nargs[1]}(nargs[2:end], GATExpr[nmeta.codom, nmeta.dom])
# function EGraphs.instantiateterm(g::EGraph, pat::PatTerm, T::Type{H{K}}, sub::Sub, rule::Rule) where {H <: GATExpr, K}
# # TODO
# end
t = Metatheory.@theory begin
compose(hadamard(A), hadamard(A)) |>
analyze!(_egraph, Main.CatlabAnalysis)
d = getdata(A, Main.CatlabAnalysis)
A = Ob(ZXCalculus.Ob, :A)
h = hadamard(A)
c = h ⋅ h
G = EGraph(c)
infer(zdelete(A)).codom == A
saturate!(G, t)
ex = extract!(G, astsize)
ex == id(A)
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