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Last active December 5, 2024 09:06
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  • Save CharlesNepote/3fdb8982dc873f34aa7c320bef580fe3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlesNepote/3fdb8982dc873f34aa7c320bef580fe3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

csv2datasette is meant to explore CSV data. It is not meant to create a sustainable DB.

csv2datasette is a bash script which open CSV files directly in Datasette. It offers a number of options for reading and exploring CSV files, such as --stats, inspired by WTFCsv.

--stats option includes, for each column: the column name, the number of unique values, the number of filled rows, the number of missing values, the mininmum value, the maximum value, the median, the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th centiles, the average, the sum, the shortest string, the longest string, the number of numeric values, the number of text values, the number of probable ISO dates, the top 3 frequent values.

csv2datasette is only tested under Linux.

Its default behavior is to:

  • create a DB in a random temporary directory (under /tmp), each time the script is used
  • normalize database name (avoid spaces, hyphens and dots), and use it for the table name
  • rename columns to avoid spaces
  • launch Datasette on a random unused port, and open the browser
  • delete the temporary DB at the end of the script.


-e | --generate-column-names      > option allows to automatically add column names if the CSV doesn't have some.
-s "," | --separator ","          > allows to change the CSV separator (aka delimiter)
-t     |                          > CSV separator is a tab
-d "," | --decimal-separator ","  > allows to specify the decimal separator used for numbers (typically "," instead of "." in France)
--stats                           > add table called "stats" with stats like WTFCsv:

If you need to add different or more options to datasette command line, use ~/.csv2datasetterc file. ~/.csv2datasetterc is "bash style" so don't forget \ at the of each line if you have multiple lines. Eg.:

--setting truncate_cells_html 512 \
--load-extension /usr/lib/sqlite3/

Other features

  • verify if datasette is well installed
  • stats: following Bertin's advices, treat zeros (0) differently than other walues, to ease stats reading for the following columns: filled, missing, numericValues, textValues, probISODate We have chosen to display zeros in a very light gray
  • stats: round avg and sum to 5 decimals

Allowing stats

--stats option produces statistics for each column in the dedicated stats table. To allow this option, you must install REGEXP extension for SQLite.

Debian, Ubuntu

Installation: sudo apt install sqlite3-pcre

Usage: Put .load /usr/lib/sqlite3/ in ~/.sqliterc.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# sudo ln -s "$(pwd)/csv2datasette" /usr/bin/csv2datasette
# csv2datasette is meant to explore CSV data. It is not meant to create a sustainable DB.
# csv2datasette is a bash script which open CSV files directly in Datasette. It offers
# a number of options for reading and exploring CSV files, such as --stats, inspired by WTFCsv.
# `--stats` option includes, for each column: the column name, the number of unique values,
# the number of filled rows, the number of missing values, the mininmum value, the maximum value,
# the average, the sum, the shortest string, the longest string, the number of numeric values,
# the number of text values, the number of probable ISO dates, the top 3 frequent values.
# csv2datasette is only tested under Linux.
# Its default behavior is to:
# * create a DB in a random temporary directory (under /tmp), each time the script is used
# * normalize database name (avoid spaces, hyphens and dots), and use it for the table name
# * rename columns to avoid spaces
# * launch Datasette on a random unused port, and open the browser
# * delete the temporary DB at the end of the script.
# -e | --generate-column-names > option allows to automatically add column names if the CSV doesn't have some.
# -s "," | --separator "," > allows to change the CSV separator (aka delimiter)
# -t | > CSV separator is a tab
# -d "," | --decimal-separator "," > allows to specify the decimal separator used for numbers (typically "," instead of "." in France)
# --stats > add table called "stats" with stats like WTFCsv:
# If you need to add different or more options to datasette command line, use ~/.csv2datasetterc file.
# ~/.csv2datasetterc is "bash style" so don't forget "\" at the of each line if you have multiple lines. Eg.:
# --setting truncate_cells_html 512 \
# --load-extension /usr/lib/sqlite3/
# Other features:
# * verify if datasette is well installed
# * stats: following Bertin's advices, treat zeros (0) differently than other walues, to ease stats reading
# for the following columns: filled, missing, numericValues, textValues, probISODate
# We have chosen to display zeros in a very light gray
# * stats: round avg and sum to 5 decimals
# Inspired from
# ###
# TODO (or not). (In approximate order of importance.)
# * Test for inspiration
# * [DB] verify the CSV file is not too big ("... do you want to continue?")
# * [DB] allows to import CSV files from http links?
# * [Service] stats: medata.yml to display information about the stats table: columns documentation, aggregated stats (average fillness...)...
# *
# * Description of the CSV
# This table represent data imported from ___ CSV with '|' separator and ',' as the decimal separator.
# This table contains XX columns that are YY% complete.
# NN columns are fully completed, ZZ almost completed, PP empty, and JJ almost empty.
# You can get [stats] related to each columns.
# * [Service] stats: when few values, display barchart as in
# * [Service] stats: data quality stats: data type homogeneity (all NUMERIC?), weird values, null island, epoch time...
# * [Service] save DB in its original form, without any transformation, in a dedicated table
# * [Service] convert dates in ISO-8601 (well suited for sorting)?
# * [Service] manage null value?
# * [Service] manage monetary formats?
# * [Service] detect UNIX timestamp format (eg. 1623855208) --
# => integers between 0 and SELECT strftime('%s', 'now');
# or SELECT (julianday('now') - 2440587.5) * 86400.0; /* including the fractional part */
# ###
# Init
# Exit if datasette is not installed
[[ ! $(datasette --version) ]] && { echo "Datasette is not installed or not reachable. \
See Datasette documentation:"; \
exit 1; }
# test if REGEXP module is installed
regexp_installed=$(sqlite3 -line <<< "SELECT 'Hello, world' REGEXP 'world';")
if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
echo -e "REGEXP module is not working. --stats option can't work.\n
For more information, see:"
usage=$(cat <<EOF
Usage: csv2datasette [ -e | --generate-column-names ]
[ -s | --separator "," ]
[ -t ]
[ --decimal-separator ","]
[ --stats ]
[ -v ]
csv2datasette [-h | --help] # displays this help.
usage() {
echo "${usage}"
exit 2
log() { [[ ${_V} -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "$*"; }
# 's:' implies that option -s has value and is a mandatory option. ':' means has a value.
PARSED_ARGUMENTS=$(getopt -a -n csv2datasette \
-o hes:td:v \
--long help,interactive,add-to-current-tables,generate-column-names,stats,separator:,tsv,decimal-separator: -- "$@")
[[ "${VALID_ARGUMENTS}" != "0" ]] && usage
eval set -- "${PARSED_ARGUMENTS}"
while :
case "$1" in
-h | --help) usage ;;
-e | --generate-column-names) COL_NAMES="generated" ; shift ;;
-s | --separator) SEPARATOR="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
-t | --tsv) SEPARATOR="\t" ; shift ;;
-d | --decimal-separator) decimal="$2" ; shift 2 ;;
--stats) STATS=1 ; shift ;;
-v) _V=1 ; shift ;;
# -- means the end of the arguments; drop this, and break out of the while loop
--) shift; break ;;
# If invalid options were passed, then getopt should have reported an error,
# which we checked as VALID_ARGUMENTS when getopt was called...
*) echo "Unexpected option: $1 - this should not happen."
usage ;;
log "Parameters remaining are: $*"
# Test file
[[ -f $@ ]] || { echo "$@ not existing..."; usage; exit 1; }
# normalize file name to avoid creation of a table with dots (.), spaces ( )
# or hyphens (-). See csvs-to-sqlite issue: "option to lower case column names,
# replace space with underscore, and remove reservered character from column names #86"
# =>
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
name=$(echo "$@" | sed 's/^\(.*\)\.\(.*\)$/\1/') # remove extension (my_data.csv => my_data)
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
name=$(echo "${name}" | sed 's/[.\ -]/_/g') # replace dots (.), spaces ( ) or hyphens (-) by underscore (_)
log "Table name: ${name}"
# Store all files in a temporary dir: /tmp/
tempdir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/}$(basename "$0").${name}.XXXXXXXXXXXX")
log "Temp dir: ${tempdir}"
# ###
# Column names
if [[ ${COL_NAMES} == "generated" ]]; then
# Guessing the number of columns can be tricky when the CSV file use double quotes.
# Commons GNU tools can be fooled, that's why at first we try to use smarter tools
# if they are already installed.
# Try to guess number of columns with csvkit
if [[ $(csvcut -h) ]]; then
NB_COLS=$(csvcut -n "$@" | wc -l)
# TODO: exit if 0 column
log "csvcut have guessed the number of columns: ${NB_COLS}"
for ((i=2; i <= NB_COLS; i++)); do header="${header},col_${i}"; done
log "Adding header: ${header}\n"
sed "1 i\\${header}" "$@" > "${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv"
# Else add header thanks to awk
# TODO: also try with other tools:
log "Adding header with awk...\n"
awk -F "${SEPARATOR}" 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf "col_%d%s", $i,(i==NF?ORS:FS)}1' \
"$@" > "${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv"
head -n 1 "$@" | grep -q " "
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
# If there is no space in the columns headers, just make link
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
CSV_FILE_FULL_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "$@")"; pwd -P)/$(basename "$@")"
log "Link ${CSV_FILE_FULL_PATH} to ${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv"
ln -s "${CSV_FILE_FULL_PATH}" "${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv"
log "rename columns to avoid spaces..."
# TODO: this is very long with a big file!
sed '1 s/ /_/g' "$@" > "${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv"
# ###
# Creating database...
[[ $SEPARATOR = "\t" ]] && DELIMITER="--tsv" || DELIMITER="--csv --delimiter=${SEPARATOR}"
command="sqlite-utils insert ${database} ${name} ${tempdir}/${name}.tmp.csv ${OPTIONS} ${DELIMITER}"
log "\n\nsqlite-utils command: ${command}"
# TODO: this can be very long for big files. Eg. 50+ minutes for Open Food Facts CSV as of 2023-12-14.
# Use something different than sqlite-utils?
[[ $? != 0 ]] && { log "Error $?. Exiting..."; rm -r "${tempdir}"; exit 1; }
# ###
# Improving database if necessary
# Convert decimal separator
if [[ ${decimal} != "" ]]; then
readarray columns < <( sqlite3 "${database}" "SELECT name FROM PRAGMA_TABLE_INFO('${name}');" )
for col in "${columns[@]}"; do col=$(echo "${col}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g')
log "Column: ${col}"
sqlite3 "${database}" \
"UPDATE ${name} SET [${col}] = CAST(replace([${col}], '${decimal}', '.') AS NUMERIC) WHERE [${col}] LIKE '%${decimal}%';"
# ###
# Creating stats...
if [[ ${STATS} == 1 ]]; then
log "\nBuilding stats..."
# Number of entries in the table
nbOfEntries=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count(*) from [${name}];")
sqlite3 "${database}" \
"create table stats(column_name TEXT,
uniq INT,
filled INT,
missing INT,
min TEXT,
max TEXT,
avg INT,
sum INT,
shortestStr INT,
longestStr INT,
numericValues INT,
textValues INT,
probISODate INT,
top_3_freq TEXT);"
readarray columns < <( sqlite3 "${database}" "SELECT name FROM PRAGMA_TABLE_INFO('${name}');" )
for col in "${columns[@]}"; do col=$(echo "${col}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g')
log "\nColumn: ${col}"
nbOfMissingValues=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count([${col}]) from [${name}] where [${col}] == '';")
nbOfFilledValues=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count([${col}]) from [${name}] where [${col}] != '';")
nbOfDistinctValues=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count(distinct [${col}]) from [${name}];")
# Don't compute anything if the column is empty
if (( nbOfEntries - nbOfMissingValues == 0 )); then
log "column ${col} is empty..."
sqlite3 "${database}" \
"insert into stats (column_name, uniq, filled, missing) values ('${col}', ${nbOfDistinctValues}, ${nbOfFilledValues}, ${nbOfMissingValues});"
# If a column is clearly text, do not compute sum and average
nbOfTextValues=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count(*) from [${name}] where [${col}] != ''
and not ( [${col}] REGEXP '^[-+]?([0-9]*[\.])?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?\d+)?$'
and [${col}] not REGEXP '^[-+]?0[0-9]+' /* exclude 056 or -082 */ );")
nbOfNumericValues=$(sqlite3 "${database}" "select count(*) from [${name}] where [${col}] != ''
and [${col}] REGEXP '^[-+]?([0-9]*[\.])?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?\d+)?$'
and [${col}] not REGEXP '^[-+]?0[0-9]+' /* exclude 056 or -082 */;")
log "nbOfEntries (${nbOfEntries}) - nbOfTextValues (${nbOfTextValues}) = $(( nbOfTextValues - nbOfEntries ))"
textValuesPercent=$(echo "scale=2; (${nbOfTextValues}/${nbOfFilledValues})*100"|bc)
log "textValuesPercent: ${textValuesPercent}"
numericValuesPercent=$(echo "scale=2; (${nbOfNumericValues}/${nbOfFilledValues})*100"|bc)
log "numericValuesPercent: ${numericValuesPercent}"
# TODO: isText=1 if 50% of text values?
# TODO: isNumeric=1 if 90% of numeric values (test if this work for codes such as EAN)
(( $(bc <<<"${textValuesPercent} > 90") )) && isText=1 || isText=0
log "isText: ${isText}"
sqlite3 "${database}" \
"insert into stats (column_name, uniq, filled, missing, min, max, avg, sum, shortestStr, longestStr, numericValues, textValues, probISODate, top_3_freq)
values (
-- uniq
-- filled
-- missing
-- min
(select min([${col}]) from [${name}]),
-- max
(select max([${col}]) from [${name}]),
-- Compute average if it's a numeric column
( $( (( isText == 1 )) && echo "''" || echo "select round(avg([${col}]) * 100000) / 100000.0 from [${name}]") ),
-- Compute sum if it's a numeric column
( $( (( isText == 1 )) && echo "''" || echo "select round(sum([${col}]) * 100000) / 100000.0 from [${name}]") ),
-- shortestStr
(select length([${col}]) as l from [${name}] order by l asc limit 1),
-- longestStr
(select length([${col}]) as l from [${name}] order by l desc limit 1),
-- numericValues
-- textValues
-- probISODate
(select count(*) from [${name}] where [${col}] is not null
and [${col}]
REGEXP '^[1-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?((-?(0[13578]|1[02])(-?(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))?|-?((0[469]|11)-?(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30))?|-?(02-?(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]))?)?((T| )(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])(:(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])((\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?)?(Z|\+[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])?)?)?)?)?$'
(select group_concat(n, char(10)) from (
select [${col}] || ' (' || count([${col}]) || ')' as n from [${name}] GROUP BY [${col}] ORDER BY COUNT([${col}]) DESC limit 3)
# ###
# Creating metadata file
metadata=$(cat <<EOF
- /static/datasette2csv.css
- /static/datasette2csv.js
echo "${metadata}" >> "${tempdir}/metadata.yml"
mkdir -v "${tempdir}/static"
js=$(cat << EOF
/* Add the "zero" CSS class when some stats table columns contains zero (to ease reading) */
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
let classes = ["col-filled", "col-missing", "col-numericValues", "col-textValues", "col-probISODate"];
for (const c of classes) {
let x = document.getElementsByClassName(c);
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
console.log(i); console.log(document.getElementsByClassName(c)[i].innerText);
if (document.getElementsByClassName(c)[i].innerText == 0) { x[i].classList.add('zero'); }
echo "${js}" >> "${tempdir}/static/datasette2csv.js"
css=$(cat << EOF
.zero { color: RGBA(0,0,0,.2) !important; }
echo "${css}" >> "${tempdir}/static/datasette2csv.css"
#read -p "Are you sure? " -n 1 -r; echo
# ###
# Datasette port
# Use a port which is not already used
port=$(python3 -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()')
# ###
# Launch datasette
log "\nLaunching datasette... (Press CTRL+C to quit)"
# See:
# -h, --host TEXT Host for server. Defaults to which means only connections from the local machine
# will be allowed. Use to listen to all IPs and allow access from other machines.
# -p, --port INTEGER RANGE Port for server, defaults to 8001. Use -p 0 to automatically assign an available port.
# [0<=x<=65535]
# -o, --open Open Datasette in your web browser
# --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON/YAML file containing license/source metadata
datasette "${database}" -h -p "${port}" --open \
--setting facet_time_limit_ms 20000 \
--setting facet_suggest_time_limit_ms 10000 \
--setting sql_time_limit_ms 20000 \
--setting max_returned_rows 100000 \
--setting truncate_cells_html 500 \
$( [[ -f "${HOME}/.csv2datasetterc" ]] && { while read p; do echo $p; done < "${HOME}/.csv2datasetterc"; } ; ) \
--metadata "${tempdir}/metadata.yml" \
--static static:${tempdir}/static/
# ###
# Delete database
log "Deleting all files and directories which where created in ${tempdir}..."
rm -r "${tempdir}"
#trap "rm -rf ${tempdir}" EXIT
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