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Created August 27, 2023 19:17
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error when using multiple classes in one source file
package com.github.cc007;
import lombok.ToString;
import manifold.ext.props.rt.api.set;
import manifold.ext.props.rt.api.var;
import static manifold.ext.props.rt.api.PropOption.Package;
import static manifold.ext.props.rt.api.PropOption.Private;
import static manifold.ext.props.rt.api.PropOption.Protected;
* With manifold-props, you can also specify if a setter should be private or protected.
class Properties {
@var @set(Protected) public String protectedSet = "can only set in class and subclasses and other classes in the same package";
@var @set(Package) String packagePrivateSet = "can only set in class and other classes in the same package";
@var @set(Private) String privateSet = "can only set in class itself";
public Properties() {
protectedSet = "protected setter used in Properties";
packagePrivateSet = "package-private setter used in Properties";
privateSet = "private setter used in Properties";
class SubProperties extends Properties {
public SubProperties() {
protectedSet = "protected setter used in SubProperties";
packagePrivateSet = "package-private setter used in SubProperties";
public class Demo7 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
SubProperties subProperties = new SubProperties();
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