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Created February 22, 2021 08:27
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Rust coding test

Rust coding test

The motivation behind the coding test is the measurement of the qualification and testing the learning attitude of the candidate.


Create a pseudorandom number generator based on Linear Congruential Generator algorithm. Pick one and use any of the following languages, and please do NOT use any library you can find on the internet.

  • C
  • C++
  • Rust


This should be a sandalone library with a single public function. The function should be the following (Note: The function definition doesn't follow any language syntax):

Rand(min int, max int) int

This function accept two integer az input parameters and returns one output. This should determine the range I want to generate random number.

Test scenarios:

min=1; max=200 => should generate a number between 1 and 200
min=1000; max=9999 => should generate a number between 1000 and 9999

Validate when the max is smaller than min. Validate the possible integer overflow.


Algorithm of LCG

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