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Matthew Kelly Badgerati

Responses/releases might be delayed
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Badgerati / levenshtein_algorithm.lua
Created August 5, 2012 02:09
An implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm in LUA.
-- Returns the Levenshtein distance between the two given strings
function string.levenshtein(str1, str2)
local len1 = string.len(str1)
local len2 = string.len(str2)
local matrix = {}
local cost = 0
-- quick cut-offs to save time
if (len1 == 0) then
return len2
Badgerati / ie-placeholders.js
Created April 4, 2013 21:15
JavaScript to allow text input fields in IE browsers to have placeholders. Note: the control itself must have the placehoder attribute field present, and jQuery is required.
function () {
var ie = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i);
if (ie != null) {
//fetch all input elements
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var element;
//loop through each, giving appropriates ones placeholders
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
Badgerati / move-control.js
Created April 4, 2013 21:23
This JavaScript will automatically focus another control depending on the length of the current control's content. This should be called in a control's onkeyup event.
function move(current, next, previous, length) {
if (next != null && current.value.length >= length) {
else if (previous != null && current.value.length <= 0) {
Badgerati / toDateString.js
Last active March 4, 2016 12:44
Converts the date passed into a string of the format passed.
* Converts the date passed into a string of the format passed.
* If the date is null, then today's date is used.
* If the format is null, then a default format of 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss' is used.
* Possible format attributes are:
* - dd - 2 digit date (01, 12, 30).
* - ddd - Ordinal date (1st, 12th, 23rd).
Badgerati / MultiMSBuild.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
PowerShell script for cleaning and building multiple projects/solutions in one command line via MSBuild
# Author: Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati)
# Date: May 14 2015
# MSBuildPath: Path to where your MSBuild.exe file resides
# Options: Array of typical MSBuild options such as /p:Configuration or /t:, etc
# Projects: Array of Project/Solution files
# CleanDebug: Switch to clean build in debug mode
# CleanRelease: Switch to clean build int release mode
Badgerati / CleanMSBuilds.ps1
Created May 14, 2015 14:54
PowerShell script for cleaning multiple projects/solutions in one command line via MSBuild
# Author: Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati)
# Date: May 14 2015
# MSBuildPath: Path to where your MSBuild.exe file resides
# Projects: Array of Project/Solution files
# CleanDebug: Switch to clean build in debug mode
# CleanRelease: Switch to clean build int release mode
# Example:
Badgerati / DetectMissingSQLFiles.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Detects SQL files that are missing from sqlproj files within the given path
# Detects SQL files that are missing from sqlproj files within the given
# path. Useful for catching mis-merges that could cause a SProc to not
# get deployed, or a table index to get missing.
# Author: Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati)
# Date: July 27 2015
# path: Path to where your .sqlproj files reside
Badgerati / jenkins.ps1
Last active August 5, 2024 23:38
PowerShell wrapper around the inbuilt Jenkins CLI
# Author: Matthew Kelly (Badgerati)
# This is a PowerShell wrapper around the inbuilt Jenkins CLI.
# It simplifies the calls to Jenkins, by just allowing you
# to call commands with a simple "jenkins" call.
# Best used with the path to the script in your PATH.
# Requirements:
Badgerati / jira-release-notes.ps1
Created June 16, 2016 20:25
Automated Jira Release Notes using PowerShell
# Script to generate Jira Release Notes.
# Release notes can be generated in either HTML, MD or just plain text. You can
# specify either the fixVersion, project tag/name or status(es) in any combination.
# Example:
# .\jira-release-notes.ps1 -jiraUrl '' -project 'Potatoes'
# .\jira-release-notes.ps1 -jiraUrl '' -fixVersion '1.2.0'
# .\jira-release-notes.ps1 -jiraUrl '' -statuses @('Done')
Badgerati / Stop-IdleProcess.ps1
Last active August 22, 2023 03:49
Stops idle/crashed processes by Process Name via PowerShell
Stops idle/crashed processes by Process Name
This function will stop and idle or crashed processed with the passed ProcessName.
To detect idle processes, it will first gather an initial list of processes, sleep
for a period of time then refetch the list. If any of the new list are identical
to the initial list, then these processes are stopped as they're deemed idle.