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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Detects SQL files that are missing from sqlproj files within the given path
# Detects SQL files that are missing from sqlproj files within the given
# path. Useful for catching mis-merges that could cause a SProc to not
# get deployed, or a table index to get missing.
# Author: Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati)
# Date: July 27 2015
# path: Path to where your .sqlproj files reside
# Example:
# > .\DetectMissingSQLFiles.ps1 -path path\to\sqlproj\folder
param (
[string] $path
# Returns the files with the given extension within the given path, recursively
function Get-Files($path, $extension) {
return gci -re -in $extension $path
# Returns all files included within the project files that match the passed regex
function Get-Included-Files($path, $projExtension, $regex) {
$proj = Get-Files $path $projExtension
foreach ($file in $proj)
$dir = Split-Path $file.FullName
foreach ($line in (gc $file))
if ($line -match $regex)
Join-Path $dir $matches[2]
# Returns all SQL files included within all sqlproj files within the given path
function Get-Included-SQL-Files($path) {
return Get-Included-Files $path *.sqlproj '(Build|None|PostDeploy|PreDeploy)\s+Include="(.*?.sql)"'
# Returns all SQL files that are in the given path, but are not in a sqlproj file
function Get-Missing-SQL-Files($path) {
$map = @{}
Get-Included-SQL-Files $path | %{ if (!$map.Contains($_)) { $map.Add($_, $true) } }
return Get-Files $path *.sql | ?{ -not $map.Contains($_.FullName) }
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
Write-Host "Path does not exist"
Write-Host "Detecting Missing SQL Files in: $path"
$missing = Get-Missing-SQL-Files $path
if ($missing.Count -ne 0) {
$files = ""
foreach ($file in $missing)
$files += "`n`t> $file"
Write-Host "The following SQL files are missing from their respective sqlproj files:$files"
else {
Write-Host "All SQL files are included in the sqlproj files"
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