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AveYo / @ batch scripts for power
Last active December 14, 2024 04:22
Windows batch scripts for power users

windows_update_toggle.bat v10.1 final
~ one script to rule them all!
~ block build upgrades and/or automatic updates without breawking Store downloads and Defender protection updates
~ there is a lot of focus on Defender updates working independently, unlike any other updates "management" solution
~ ifeo safe blocking with no destructive changes of ownership, deleting files, removing tasks, or over-blocking
~ toggle everything from the Desktop right-click context menu!
but wait, there is more:
~ hide/unhide/install update lists with counter at the Desktop right-click context menu!

Previous update toggle batch suite scripts have been overwritten on pastebin, but will still be available here:

AveYo / .Classic-Shell or Open-Shell StartMenu optimized
Last active November 2, 2024 22:49
Classic-Shell or Open-Shell StartMenu optimized settings.xml

Does this still work under Windows 11?
Yes, it does!
Tho it won't alleviate the horrible taskbar changes
So I propose using RetroBar: & my RetroBar dark theme: ShittyDark v2 Both can coexist and work great in this proposed setup

windows 11 preview - with RetroBar

OpenShell setup and import settings
AveYo / Take_Ownership_Advanced_Context_Menu.reg
Created August 14, 2018 13:44
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Take_Ownership_Advanced_Context_Menu.reg by AveYo v2018-07-19
; =================================================================================================================================
; GAIN ACCESS: Inherit from parent: YES, Owner = current user, Owner Rights = Modify
; GAIN EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: Inherit from parent: NO, Owner = current user, Owner Rights = FullControl
; USERS GAIN EXCLUSIVE ACCESS FOR NEW FILES: Inherit from parent: NO, Owner = Authenticated Users, Owner Rights = FullControl
; CLEAR GAINED ACCESS: Inherit from parent: YES, Owner = Inherited or Administrators, Authenticated Users = Inherited or Modify
; =================================================================================================================================
; Single context menu entry added for files, folders (except C:\Windows etc.) and drives (except C:) with the 4 choices above
AveYo / Settings_to_StartMenu.bat
Last active December 17, 2023 23:59
Settings to StartMenu [Open-Shell search settings quickfix]
@echo off &title Settings to StartMenu [Open-Shell search settings quickfix EN] by AveYo v1.0
:: also try my Optimized Classic-Shell or Open-Shell StartMenu Settings
:: links: or
:: preview:
set Bloat="3D Builder\","Action Center\ms-actioncenter:","Alarms + Clock\ms-clock:","Available Networks\ms-availablenetworks:","Calculator\calculator:","Calendar\outlookcal:","Camera\","Candy Crush Soda Saga\candycrushsodasaga:","Connect\ms-projection:","Cortana\ms-cortana:","Device Discovery\ms-settings-connectabledevices:devicediscovery","Drawboard PDF\drawboardpdf:","Facebook\fb:","Feedback Hub\feedback-hub:","Get Help\ms-contact-support:","Groove Music\mswindowsmusic:","Mail\outlookmail:","Maps\bingmaps:","Microsoft Edge\microsoft-edge:","Microsoft Solitaire Collection\xboxliveapp-1297287741:","Microsoft Store\ms-windows-store:","Microsoft Store -
AveYo / multiple_gui_choices.bat
Last active October 16, 2024 05:04
Simple GUI helpers for batch files
@echo off &title Multiple GUI choices via powershell snippet by AveYo &rem preview:
:: setup gui dialog choices
set all_choices=Option 1,Option 2,Option 3,Option4,Option5
set def_choices=Option 1,Option 2,Option5
:: Show gui dialog choices 1=title 2=all_choices 3=def_choices 4=output_variable
call :choices "Multiple GUI choices" "%all_choices%" "%def_choices%" CHOICES
:: Quit if no choice selected
if not defined CHOICES color 0c &echo ERROR! No choice selected.. &timeout /t 20 &color 07 &exit/b
:: Print choices
echo Choices: %CHOICES% & echo.
AveYo / !
Last active October 13, 2024 00:43
A High Contrast based neutral / less blues tone Windows Dark / Light Theme by AveYo


AveYo / !WebSearchChoice.bat
Last active October 2, 2021 08:00
Web Search Choice for Cortana - direct input to console fixed!
@echo off &title WebSearchChoice
set "browser=iexplore.exe"
set ""
echo Will override Cortana search Edge browser with: %browser%
set/p "browser_choice=-Enter new choice, or press Enter to use above: "
if "%browser_choice%"=="0" goto uninstall
AveYo / .Files.bat
Last active October 13, 2024 00:43
Files.html listing from directory context-menu ( or simpler, but less fancy Files.xml )
;@echo off &title Files.html listing from directory context-menu by AveYo v1.0
;if not exist "%~1" ( goto :setup ) else pushd "%~1\.." &echo Listing "%~1" - please wait... &set "fn=%~nx1 Files.html"
;del /f/q "%fn%" >nul 2>nul &cd.>"%fn%" 2>nul
;if exist "%fn%" ( set "files=%CD%\%fn%" ) else set "files=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\%fn%"
;pushd "%~1"
;set "ampersand=&" &set "escape=&"
;> "%files%" findstr -bv ; "%~f0"
;>>"%files%" echo ^<p^>%DATE%, %TIME%^</p^>^<div class="filetree"^>
;>>"%files%" <nul set/p="<ul class="main-tree"><li class="tree-title">%~1</li>"
;>>"%files%" echo.
AveYo / .Close_Handles_ContextMenu.bat
Last active October 13, 2024 00:43
'Close Handles' context menu to unlock files or folders -
@echo off &Title 'Close Handles' context menu to unlock files or folders by AveYo v2019.09.27
:: changelog: fix dl; add /accepteula; check S-1-5-19 for admin; ask for admin rights to catch system handles; auto-hide window
:: add_remove whenever script is run again
reg query "HKCU\Software\Classes\Directory\shell\CloseHandles" /v MuiVerb >nul 2>nul && (
reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\Directory\shell\CloseHandles /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\Drive\shell\CloseHandles /f >nul 2>nul
reg delete HKCU\Software\Classes\*\shell\CloseHandles /f >nul 2>nul
color 0c &echo. &echo REMOVED! Run script again to add 'Close Handles' context menu
timeout /t -1 &color 0f &title %COMSPEC% &exit/b
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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