/* 2>nul || title FreeStandbyMemory.bat by AveYo v2019.06.01 | |
@echo off|| csc compiling snippet, advanced schedule, builtin add_remove - UPDATE: reliable free memory detection | |
set/a CLEAR_WHEN_UNDER_MB=512 | |
:: check_admin_rights | |
reg query "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Environment" /v TEMP >nul 2>nul || ( | |
color 0e & echo. & echo PERMISSION DENIED! Right-click %~nx0 ^& Run as administrator | |
timeout /t -1 & color 0f & title %COMSPEC% & exit/b | |
) | |
:: add_remove whenever script is run again | |
schtasks /query /tn FreeStandbyMemory >nul 2>nul && ( | |
echo. | |
schtasks /Delete /TN "FreeStandbyMemory" /f 2>nul | |
reg delete HKLM\Software\AveYo /v FreeStandbyMemory /f 2>nul | |
del /f /q "%Windir%\FreeStandbyMemory.exe" 2>nul | |
color 0b &echo. &echo REMOVED! Run script again to recompile and add schedule! | |
timeout /t -1 &color 0f &title %COMSPEC% &exit/b | |
) | |
:: compile c# snippet | |
pushd %~dp0 | |
del /f /q FreeStandbyMemory.exe >nul 2>nul | |
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:-d /o:-n "%Windir%\Microsoft.NET\*csc.exe"') do set "csc="%%v"" | |
%csc% /out:FreeStandbyMemory.exe /target:winexe /platform:anycpu /optimize /nologo "%~f0" | |
if not exist FreeStandbyMemory.exe echo ERROR! Failed compiling c# snippet & timeout /t -1 & exit /b | |
echo|set/p=FreeStandbyMemory.exe © /y FreeStandbyMemory.exe "%Windir%\FreeStandbyMemory.exe" &set "OUTDIR=%Windir%" | |
if not exist "%Windir%\FreeStandbyMemory.exe" echo WARNING! Cannot copy FreeStandbyMemory.exe to %Windir%\ &set "OUTDIR=%CD%" | |
:: setup advanced schedule - can afford higher priority after switching from wmi to winapi | |
set "task_run=%OUTDIR%\FreeStandbyMemory.exe %CLEAR_WHEN_UNDER_MB% %CLEAR_SYSTEMCACHEWS%" | |
set "schedule=/Create /RU "System" /NP /RL HIGHEST /F /SD "01/01/2001" /ST "01:00:00" " | |
schtasks %schedule% /SC MINUTE /MO %CLEAR_EVERY_MINUTES% /TN "FreeStandbyMemory" /TR "%task_run%" | |
set "sset=$s=New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -Priority 1 -StartWhenAvailable;" | |
set "stopexisting=$s.CimInstanceProperties['MultipleInstances'].Value=3;" | |
powershell -noprofile -c "%sset% %stopexisting% $null=Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName FreeStandbyMemory -Settings $s" | |
:: trigger task, force a manual clear and finish setup | |
schtasks /Run /TN "FreeStandbyMemory" | |
echo. | |
echo Clearing StandbyMemory every %CLEAR_EVERY_MINUTES% minutes ONLY if free memory goes under %CLEAR_WHEN_UNDER_MB% MB | |
echo Can force a clear manually from Command Prompt (Admin) by entering: freestandbymemory | |
echo. | |
echo ADDED! Run "%~nx0" again to remove compiled snippet and schedule! | |
timeout /t -1 | |
exit /b | |
:: Based on idea from "PowerShell wrapper script for clear StandBy memory without RAMMap" by Alexander Korotkov | |
:: Implemented SetSystemFileCacheSize and NtSetSystemInformation suggestions by Maks.K | |
:: Using RtlAdjustPrivilege, GetPerformanceInfo, force clear if no args, stripped output, sanitized by AveYo | |
*/ | |
using System; | |
using System.Diagnostics; | |
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; | |
using System.Reflection; | |
[assembly:AssemblyTitle("FreeStandbyMemory")] | |
[assembly:AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("AveYo")] | |
[assembly:AssemblyVersionAttribute("2019.06.01")] | |
namespace FreeStandbyMemory | |
{ | |
class Program | |
{ | |
static bool retv = false; | |
static int MemoryPurgeStandbyList = 0x0004; | |
const int SystemFileCacheInformation = 0x0015; | |
const int SystemMemoryListInformation = 0x0050; | |
const int SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_PRIVILEGE = 0x00000005; | |
const int SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_PRIVILEGE = 0x0000000d; | |
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] | |
private class PERFINFO | |
{ | |
public int cb; | |
public IntPtr CommitTotal; | |
public IntPtr CommitLimit; | |
public IntPtr CommitPeak; | |
public IntPtr PhysicalTotal; | |
public IntPtr PhysicalAvailable; | |
public IntPtr SystemCache; | |
public IntPtr KernelTotal; | |
public IntPtr KernelPaged; | |
public IntPtr KernelNonpaged; | |
public IntPtr PageSize; | |
public int HandleCount; | |
public int ProcessCount; | |
public int ThreadCount; | |
public PERFINFO() | |
{ | |
this.cb = (int)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PERFINFO)); | |
} | |
} | |
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] | |
[DllImport( "psapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true )] | |
static extern bool GetPerformanceInfo([In, Out] PERFINFO pi); | |
[DllImport("psapi.dll")] | |
static extern bool EmptyWorkingSet(IntPtr hwProc); | |
[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] | |
static extern bool SetSystemFileCacheSize(IntPtr MinimumFileCacheSize, IntPtr MaximumFileCacheSize, int Flags); | |
[DllImport("ntdll.dll")] | |
static extern IntPtr RtlAdjustPrivilege(int Privilege, bool Enable, bool CurrentThread, out bool RetValue); | |
[DllImport("ntdll.dll")] | |
static extern IntPtr NtSetSystemInformation(int InfoClass, out int Info, int Length); | |
static void Main(string[] args) | |
{ | |
int target = (args.Length == 0) ? Int32.MaxValue : Convert.ToInt32(args[0]); | |
bool systemcachews = (args.Length == 0 || args.Length >= 2 && args[1] == "1"); | |
Int64 free = 0; | |
PERFINFO pi = new PERFINFO(); | |
if (GetPerformanceInfo(pi)) | |
{ | |
Int64 avail = pi.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64(); | |
Int64 cache = pi.SystemCache.ToInt64(); | |
Int64 page = pi.PageSize.ToInt64(); | |
free = ( (avail > cache) ? avail - cache : cache - avail ) * page >> 20; | |
/* To debug, change csc /target:winexe to /target:exe and uncomment the Console.WriteLine's */ | |
////Console.WriteLine("Total: {0,5}MB", pi.PhysicalTotal.ToInt64() * page >> 20); | |
////Console.WriteLine("Avail: {0,5}MB", pi.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64() * page >> 20); | |
////Console.WriteLine("Cache: {0,5}MB", pi.SystemCache.ToInt64() * page >> 20); | |
////Console.WriteLine("Free: {0,5}MB", free); | |
} | |
if (free > target) return; | |
////Console.WriteLine("Target:{0,5}MB - CLEARING!", target); | |
RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_PRIVILEGE, true, false, out retv); | |
RtlAdjustPrivilege(SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_PRIVILEGE, true, false, out retv); | |
NtSetSystemInformation(SystemMemoryListInformation, out MemoryPurgeStandbyList, Marshal.SizeOf(MemoryPurgeStandbyList)); | |
if (systemcachews) { | |
SetSystemFileCacheSize(new IntPtr(-1), new IntPtr(-1), 0); | |
Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses(); // Also free system processes working sets: | |
foreach(Process p in processlist) if (p.SessionId == 0) try { EmptyWorkingSet(p.Handle); } catch (Exception) {} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/*_*/ |
* text=auto | |
* eol=crlf |
int target = (args.Length == 0) ? Int32.MaxValue : Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
bool systemcachews = (args.Length == 0 || args.Length >= 2 && args[1] == "1");
Calling without arguments: FreeStandbyMemory.exe
~ assumes you want a forced clear, so it sets target=MaxValue (more than your memory size) and systemcachews=true
Calling with only one argument: FreeStandbyMemory.exe
~ assumes it's the CLEAR_WHEN_UNDER_MB parameter, so it sets target=1024 and systemcachews=false
Calling with two arguments: FreeStandbyMemory.exe
~ assumes first is the CLEAR_WHEN_UNDER_MB parameter, so it sets target=512
~ assumes second is the CLEAR_SYSTEMCACHEWS parameter, and only if it's "1" (as string) then sets systemcachews=true
otherwise sets systemcachews=false
Thank you.
Problem: Scheduled tasks Action with added arguments doesn't perform (eg 4096 0).
Note: Scheduled task Action with no added arguments does perform.
Running Windows 10 Pro 1903 18362.267
Is CLEAR_SYSTEMCACHEWS a boolean value of 0 or 1?