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Created August 3, 2021 14:15
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from random import randint
cont = 0
def mysql(a, b, database):
import mysql.connector
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='', host='')
mycursor = cnx.cursor()
mycursor.execute(f"use {database}")
mycursor.execute(f"insert into {a} value('{b}');")
print("Pensei em um número de 1 - 10!")
pc = randint(1, 10)
mysql(a='pc', b=pc, database='numeros')
while True:
num = int(input("Tente Adivinhar: "))
mysql(a='escolhas', b=num, database='numeros')
if pc == num:
cont += 1
mysql(a='tentativas', b=cont, database='numeros')
cont += 1
print("\033[1;31mERROOOOOOOU. Tente novamente\033[m")
print(f"Número = {pc}")
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