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Last active September 28, 2024 10:38
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How to install Solus with Windows 10

How to install Solus with Windows 10

1. Install Windows 10

Install Windows 10.

2. Install Solus

  1. Boot into Solus Live USB Drive.
  2. Run GParted.
  3. Create ext4 partition for root.
  4. Create fat32 512MB partition for boot and add boot, eps flags.
  5. Install Solus.
  6. Reboot into installed Solus. (You have to change boot order in BIOS)

3. Fix Boot Manager

You have to check block devices and change sda number.

  1. Create mount points.
sudo mkdir /mnt/windows-efi
sudo mkdir /mnt/solus
  1. Mount the EFI system partition for Windows 10 OS.
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows-efi
  1. Mount the Solus root partition and its EFI system partition.
sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/solus
sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/solus/boot
  1. Copy Windows 10 OS bootloader, and other data needed to boot it, to the Solus EFI system partition.
sudo cp -r /mnt/windows-efi/EFI/Microsoft/ /mnt/solus/boot/EFI/
  1. Make systemd-boot the default bootloader and add Windows 10 OS Boot Manager.
sudo bootctl install --path=/mnt/solus/boot
  1. Add a timeout value to the systemd-boot. This allows enough time for you to select your preferred OS from the menu.
sudo clr-boot-manager set-timeout 10 --path=/mnt/solus
sudo clr-boot-manager update
  1. Umount all partitions.
sudo umount /mnt/windows-efi /mnt/solus/boot /mnt/solus
  1. Reboot.
sudo reboot

Reference: Dual-boot Clear Linux* OS and Windows* 10 OS

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Thanks this was the actual solution for me, not so obvious how to make the references.

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