Install Windows 10.
- Boot into Solus Live USB Drive.
- Run GParted.
- Create
partition for root. - Create
512MB partition for boot and addboot
flags. - Install Solus.
- Reboot into installed Solus. (You have to change boot order in BIOS)
You have to check block devices and change sda number.
- Create mount points.
sudo mkdir /mnt/windows-efi
sudo mkdir /mnt/solus
- Mount the EFI system partition for Windows 10 OS.
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows-efi
- Mount the Solus root partition and its EFI system partition.
sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/solus
sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/solus/boot
- Copy Windows 10 OS bootloader, and other data needed to boot it, to the Solus EFI system partition.
sudo cp -r /mnt/windows-efi/EFI/Microsoft/ /mnt/solus/boot/EFI/
- Make systemd-boot the default bootloader and add Windows 10 OS Boot Manager.
sudo bootctl install --path=/mnt/solus/boot
- Add a timeout value to the systemd-boot. This allows enough time for you to select your preferred OS from the menu.
sudo clr-boot-manager set-timeout 10 --path=/mnt/solus
sudo clr-boot-manager update
- Umount all partitions.
sudo umount /mnt/windows-efi /mnt/solus/boot /mnt/solus
- Reboot.
sudo reboot
Reference: Dual-boot Clear Linux* OS and Windows* 10 OS
Thanks this was the actual solution for me, not so obvious how to make the references.