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Last active July 2, 2020 07:29
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From pow to puma-dev on macOS keeping .dev domains
# Why:
# 1) Chrome 63 (Dec 8) breaks .dev domains by forcing HTTPS:
# 2) Pow is at EOL, superceded by puma-dev (see, 6 Version History, 0.6.0, Dec 8 2017)
# Uninstall pow
curl | sh
# If you use powder, you can remove it as well
gem uninstall powder
# Go to codebase
cd ~/path/to/codebase
# Install puma itself if you don't already have it
# gem install puma
# or if in Gemfile:
bundle install
# Install puma-dev and configure it correctly for macOS
brew install puma/puma/puma-dev
sudo puma-dev -setup
puma-dev -install
# Link code (assumes you've `cd` into your codebase dir and you want it named the same)
puma-dev link
# If receiving SSL warning on Chrome on macOS Sierra:
# (Source:
# 1. Open KeyChain Access
# 2. Move puma-dev CA cert from 'login' into System keychain
# 3. Right click and open 'Get Info'
# 4. Under "Trust", set appropriate settings:
# 5. Restart browser
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