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Last active September 13, 2024 10:59
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OpenHAB-Rule to update temperature offsets of AVM Fritz! DECT Radiator Thermostats (FritzOS < 7.50)
// *************************************************************************************************************************************
// Groovy Script/Rule for OpenHAB to update the temperature offset of AVM Fritz! DECT 301/302 or COMET DECT Thermostats based on
// measurements of arbitrary external temperature-sensor connected as items/things in OpenHAB.
// This implementation is based on an uses the
// login-example code provided by AVM here:
// Requirements:
// - Fritzbox with FritzOS-Version < 7.50
// - install the XPATH-Transformation-Addon
// - download Google's GSON-Library (e.g. from and place it in OpenHABs
// classpath (e.g. /usr/share/openhab/runtime/lib)
// *************************************************************************************************************************************
import org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.HTTP
import org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Log
import org.openhab.core.transform.actions.Transformation
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import java.util.Map
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
def HOST = '' // Fritzbox-Host
def USER = '<user>' // Fritzbox-User
def PASSWORD = '<password>' // Fritzbox-Password
// Sensor-Mapping: Thermostat-ULE-Device-Name : List of Temperature-Sensors (QuantityType)
def SENSORS = [
'<ulename>' : ['<item_id1>', '<item_id2>'],
// ...
def LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("update-temperature-offset")
class FritzboxLoginState {
private String host
private String user
private String sid
private String challenge
private String blockTime
FritzboxLoginState(def host, def user = null, def sid, def challenge = null, def blockTime = 0) { = host
this.sid = sid
this.user = user
this.challenge = challenge
this.blockTime = blockTime
String getHost() {
return host
String getUser() {
return user
String getSid() {
return sid
int getBlockTime() {
return blockTime
String getChallenge() {
return challenge
boolean isLoggedIn() {
return sid != "0000000000000000"
void logout() {
HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest("http://${host}/login_sid.lua?logout=1&sid=${sid}", 10000)
sid = "0000000000000000"
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[host=${host}, user=${user}, sid=${sid}, challenge=${challenge}, blockTime=${blockTime}]"
class FritzboxLogin {
static LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("update-temperature-offset-fritzbox-login")
private String host
private String user
private String password
private FritzboxLoginState stateCache
FritzboxLogin(def user, def password, def host = "") { = host
this.user = user
this.password = password
public getState() {
if (!stateCache) {
def resp = HTTP.sendHttpGetRequest("http://${host}/login_sid.lua?version=2&user=${user}", 10000)
def user = Transformation.transform("XPATH", "/SessionInfo/Users/User[@last=1]/text()", resp)
def challenge = Transformation.transform("XPATH", "/SessionInfo/Challenge/text()", resp)
def blockTime = Integer.parseInt(Transformation.transform("XPATH", "/SessionInfo/BlockTime/text()", resp))
stateCache = (user == this.user)
? new FritzboxLoginState(host, user, Transformation.transform("XPATH", "/SessionInfo/SID/text()", resp), challenge, blockTime)
: new FritzboxLoginState(host, this.user, "0000000000000000", challenge, blockTime)
return stateCache
public FritzboxLoginState execute() {
return state.loggedIn ? state : login()
private FritzboxLoginState login() {
def challengeResponse = calculatePbkdf2Response(state.challenge, password)
def resp = HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest("http://${host}/login_sid.lua?version=2&user=${user}", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "response=${challengeResponse}", 10000)
def sid = Transformation.transform("XPATH", "/SessionInfo/SID/text()", resp)
if (sid == "0000000000000000") {
throw new IllegalStateException("invalid user/password!")
stateCache = new FritzboxLoginState(host, user, sid)
return stateCache
* Calculate the secret key on Android.
private String calculatePbkdf2Response(String challenge, String password) {
String[] challenge_parts = challenge.split('\\$');
int iter1 = Integer.parseInt(challenge_parts[1]);
byte[] salt1 = fromHex(challenge_parts[2]);
int iter2 = Integer.parseInt(challenge_parts[3]);
byte[] salt2 = fromHex(challenge_parts[4]);
byte[] hash1 = pbkdf2HmacSha256(password.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), salt1, iter1);
byte[] hash2 = pbkdf2HmacSha256(hash1, salt2, iter2);
return challenge_parts[4] + '$' + toHex(hash2);
/** Hex string to bytes */
private byte[] fromHex(String hexString) {
int len = hexString.length() / 2;
byte[] ret = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = (byte) Short.parseShort(hexString.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
return ret;
/** byte array to hex string */
private String toHex(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 2);
for (byte b : bytes) { s.append(String.format("%02x", b)); }
return s.toString();
* Create a pbkdf2 HMAC by appling the Hmac iter times as specified.
* We can't use the Android-internal PBKDF2 here, as it only accepts char[] arrays, not bytes (for multi-stage hashing)
private byte[] pbkdf2HmacSha256(final byte[] password, final byte[] salt, int iters) {
try {
String alg = "HmacSHA256";
Mac sha256mac = Mac.getInstance(alg);
sha256mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(password, alg));
byte[] ret = new byte[sha256mac.getMacLength()];
byte[] tmp = new byte[salt.length + 4];
System.arraycopy(salt, 0, tmp, 0, salt.length);
tmp[salt.length + 3] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
tmp = sha256mac.doFinal(tmp);
for (int k = 0; k < ret.length; k++) { ret[k] ^= tmp[k]; }
return ret;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) {
return null; // TODO: Handle this properly
class FritzboxThermostat {
def id
def displayName
def offset
def correctedCelsius
def doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes
def FritzboxThermostat(def id, def displayName, def offset, def correctedCelsius, doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes) { = id
this.displayName = displayName
this.offset = offset
this.correctedCelsius = correctedCelsius
this.doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes = doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes
def getId() {
return id
def getUleDeviceName() {
return displayName
def getMeasuredTemp() {
return correctedCelsius - offset
def getOffset() {
return offset
def getRoomTemp() {
return correctedCelsius
def getWindowOpenTimer() {
return doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes
def updateOffset(def newOffset) {
return new FritzboxThermostat(id, displayName, newOffset, correctedCelsius - (offset - newOffset), doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes)
public String toString() {
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[uleDeviceName=${displayName}, id=${id}, offset=${offset}, measuredTemp=${measuredTemp}, roomTemp=${roomTemp}, windowOpenTimer=${doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes}]"
def getThermostats(def loginState) {
def resp = HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest("http://${}/data.lua?sid=${loginState.sid}", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "?xhr=1&lang=de&page=sh_dev&xhrId=all&no_sidrenew=", 10000)
def devices = new Gson().fromJson(resp, Map.class)
return devices['data']['devices']
.findAll { it.category == "THERMOSTAT" && it.units.find { unit -> unit.type == "TEMPERATURE_SENSOR" && unit.skills.find { skill -> skill['offset'] != null } } }
.collect {
def temperatureSensor = it.units.find { unit -> unit.type == "TEMPERATURE_SENSOR" }.skills.find { skill -> skill['offset'] != null }
def windowOpenSensor = it.units.find { unit -> unit.type == "THERMOSTAT" }.skills.find { skill -> skill['temperatureDropDetection'] != null }.temperatureDropDetection
return new FritzboxThermostat((int), it.displayName, temperatureSensor.offset, temperatureSensor.currentInCelsius, (int) windowOpenSensor.doNotHeatOffsetInMinutes)
.collectEntries { [it.displayName, it] }
def temperatures = SENSORS.collectEntries { name, sensors ->
[name, (sensors.collect { sensor -> items.get(sensor).floatValue() }.inject(0) { acc, curr -> acc += curr } / sensors.size).round(1)]
def fritzboxLoginState = new FritzboxLogin(USER, PASSWORD, HOST).execute()
def thermostats = getThermostats(fritzboxLoginState)
def offsets = temperatures.collectEntries { name, temperature ->
return [name, (temperature - thermostats[name].measuredTemp).round(2)]
def roundedOffsets = offsets.collectEntries { name, offset ->
return [name, (offset * 2).round() / 2f ]
}"measured average temperatures: " + temperatures)"thermostat settings: " + thermostats)
LOG.debug(offsets as String)
LOG.debug(roundedOffsets as String)
def thermostatsToUpdate = thermostats
.findAll { roundedOffsets[it.key] != it.value.offset }
.collectEntries { name, thermostat -> [name, thermostat.updateOffset(roundedOffsets[name])] }"updating thermostats: " + thermostatsToUpdate as String)
thermostatsToUpdate.forEach { name, t ->
}"new thermostat settings: " + getThermostats(fritzboxLoginState))
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Daendaralus commented Mar 13, 2023

Hi! Bin auf dein Skript gestoßen, als ich nach Lösungen für mein Home Assistant setup gesucht habe. Danke für die Arbeit! Dadurch konnte ich ein passendes Python Skript basteln.

Meine Fritzbox hat die Nacht nun auch mal das 7.50 update bekommen. Habe dementsprechend mein Skript angepasst und es funktioniert bisher.
Änderungen, die relevant zu sein scheinen sind:

  • Beide requests gehen an
  • Die erste request benutzt folgende url params zusätzlich zu den Thermostat settings: {'sid': '', 'xhr': 1, 'device': '', 'page': 'home_auto_hkr_edit', 'validate': 'apply', 'useajax': 1, 'view': '', 'back_to_page': '/smarthome/devices.lua', 'apply': '', 'lang': 'en', 'graphState': 1, 'tempsensor': 'own', 'Heiztemp': ....., ... }
  • Die zweite request benutzt nur folgende url params: {'sid': '', 'xhr': 1, 'device': '', 'page': 'home_auto_hkr_edit'}
  • 'startTime' key unter den "WEEKLY_TIMETABLE" actions ist nicht mehr unter ['timeSetting']['time']['startTime'], sondern ['timeSetting']'startTime']
  • Es gibt außerdem den neuen parameter "hkr_adaptheat", welcher entweder mit 0 oder 1 übergeben wird um Adaptive heating start enabled einzustellen. Allerdings soweit ich das verstehe nur relevant, wenn man die Schedule funktion des Thermostats in der Fritzbox verwendet.

Der rest scheint soweit gleich geblieben zu sein. Mein Skript funktioniert auf jedenfall wieder nach den Änderungen auf 7.50.

Gist mit meinem Skript:

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Hi @Daendaralus,

danke für die Anpassungen! Ich schau mir das sicher demnächst mal an, denn meine ältere FritzBox wird das Update wohl doch auch noch bekommen.


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Hi @coldbird1996,
Hi @Daendaralus,

ich habe endlich mal die Zeit gefunden, um das Script an die neueren FritzOS-Versionen anzupassen. Die neue Version findet ihr hier:

Hab es noch nicht intensiver getestet, aber diese Variante scheint bei mir die Offsets wieder korrekt anzupassen...

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