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Group dictionary (array of objects) based on one object (key)
<div style="background:green;" id="one"></div>
Array.prototype.groupBy = function(prop) {
return this.reduce(function(groups, item) {
const val = item[prop]
groups[val] = groups[val] || []
return groups
}, {})
const events = [
{ time: '12:00', location: 'mall' },
{ time: '9:00', location: 'store' },
{ time: '9:00', location: 'mall' },
{ time: '12:00', location: 'store' },
{ time: '12:00', location: 'market' },
const groupedByTime = events.groupBy('time')
document.getElementById("one").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(groupedByTime, null, 2);
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