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Last active June 18, 2022 09:28
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PHP Generic class constructor
* The important part here isn't the class structure itself, but the
* __construct(...) function. This __construct is generic enough to be placed into any
* data model class that doesn't preprocess its variables,
* Even if you want processing on the variables,
* but simply want an initial value from the get-go,
* you can post-process the values after the if($group){...} statement.
* This particular class would be able to take objects that look like this:
* ['myVar1'=> $input1, 'myVar2'=>$input2]
* or, exclude one value or the other :
* ['myVar1'=> $input1] or ['myVar2'=>$input2]
use \InvalidArgumentException;
class MyClass{
protected $myVar1;
protected $myVar2;
public function __construct($obj = null, $ignoreExtraValues = false){
foreach (((object)$obj) as $key => $value) {
if(isset($value) && in_array($key, array_keys(get_object_vars($this)))){
$this->$key = $value;
}else if (!$ignoreExtraValues){
throw new InvalidArgumentException(get_class($this).' does not have property '.$key);
* This file is really just a demonstration of one possible use of the constructor.
* using an associative array, we can assign values to the class based on their variable names.
* Empty constructors are also valid, and nothing will be initialized as the default input is null.
use MyClass;
$sample_variable = new MyClass();
$sample_variable = new MyClass([
$sample_variable = new MyClass([
'i_dont_want_this_one'=> 'This won\'t throw an error because we turned it off, but it won\'t get added either.'
], true);
$sample_variable = new MyClass([
'i_dont_want_this_one'=> 'This last one throws an error.'
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Thank you for this!

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Thank you very much.

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bfsim commented Jun 18, 2022

Great, thanks!

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