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Last active June 22, 2021 11:51
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VueJS - Get a link with query params from the current url preserved
/** Get a link with query params from the current url preserved
* @param {String} redirectLink The link to append params to
* @param {Object} $route The VueJS route object. Should contain a `query` object
* @return {String} The redirect link with url params from the current page appended
const getLinkWithQueryParams = (redirectLink, $route) => {
const { query } = $route
// Return the link as is if no query params were found
if (!Object.keys(query).length) {
return redirectLink
const queryKeys = Object.keys(query)
queryKeys.forEach((param, i) => {
const paramValue = query[param]
// Only add `?` if there are no existing query params in the redirect url provided
if (i === 0 && !redirectLink.includes('?')) {
redirectLink += '?'
} else {
// First and last params don't have a `&` prepended to them
redirectLink += '&'
redirectLink += `${param}=${paramValue}`
return redirectLink
export { getLinkWithQueryParams }
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