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Created March 18, 2013 16:36
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Работа с ElasticSearch из node.js
esc = require 'elasticsearchclient'
Elastic search module
serverOptions =
host: process.env.esHost || 'localhost'
port: 9200
secure: false
exports.esClient = esClient = new esc serverOptions
#### Config
{esClient, model} = require '../conf'
async = require 'async'
#### Class
class DiscoverController extends require('./basicController')
_searchOutput: (savedData) ->
data = JSON.parse(savedData.join "")
if data.hits
maxScore = data.hits.max_score
output = data.hits.hits
output = []
search: ->
query =
query: @context.discover_search_query || ""
use_dis_max: true
fields: ["description", "module_name^2", "owner^2", "language^1.25"]
options =
size: 100
#TODO: add variable size and offset handling
savedData = []'mongomodules', 'module', {query}, options)
.on('data', (data) => savedData.push data)
.on('done', => @_searchOutput savedData)
.on('error', (error)=>
return @res.json error, 500 if @req.xhr
@context.searchError = true
module.exports = (req,res)->
new DiscoverController req, res
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