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Created April 23, 2020 22:41
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// You could call this somewhere in your ViewModel
insertUserWithAddressUseCase.execute(this, user, address)
// .........
// The Interface of the Use Case.
interface InsertUserWithAddressUseCase {
interface Callback {
fun onUserSuccessfullyInserted(insertedUser: User)
fun onErrorWhileTryingToInsertUser(e: Throwable)
fun execute(callbakc: Callback, user: User, address: Address)
// .........
// The actual implementation.
class InsertUserWithAddressUseCaseImpl(
private val dbAddressRepository: DbAddressRepository,
private val dbUserRepository: DbUserRepository
) : InsertUserWithAddressUseCase {
override fun execute(callback: InsertUserWithAddressUseCase.Callback, user: User, address: Address) {
dbAddressRepository.insertAddress(address).flatMap { addressId ->
dbUserRepository.insertUser(user, addressId)
// Add the observeOn, subscribeOn...
// You can send back the same user that you just inserted, or the id of the inserted user, etc.
// .........
// The Repositories interfaces
interface DbAddressRepository {
// Notice that for simplicity sake, I'm not using any wrapper around the rx.Observable. It just returns the id from the
// inserted record.
fun insertAddress(address: Address): rx.Observable<Int>
interface DbUserRepository {
fun insertUser(user: User, addressId: Int): rx.Observable<Int>
// .........
// The actual implementation
class DbAddressRepositoryImpl(
private val addressDao: AddressDao
) : DbAddressRepository {
override fun insertAddress(address: Address): rx.Observable<Int> {
return addressDao.insertAddress(address)
// Do whatever mapping you want. Here I'm using just plain Address and User classes but you should probably use
// DTO classes to map your DB records. You don't want to mix your model classes, the db model classes and whatever backend
// model classes you have to model the server-side responses.
class DbUserRepositoryImpl(
private val userDao: UserDao
) : DbUserRepository {
override fun insertUser(user: User, addressId: Int): rx.Observable<Int> {
return userDao.insertUser(user.copy(foreginAddresId = addressId))
// Do whatever mapping you want. Here I'm using just plain Address and User classes but you should probably use
// DTO classes to map your DB records. You don't want to mix your model classes, the db model classes and whatever backend
// model classes you have to model the server-side responses.
// The DAOs
abstract class AddressDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
abstract fun insertAddress(address: Address): rx.Single<Int>
abstract class UserDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
abstract fun insertUser(user: User): rx.Single<Int>
// The "Model" classes
data User(
val id: Int,
val foreginAddresId: Int,
val name: String
data Address(
val id: Int,
val streetName: String,
val streetNumber: Int
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