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Created April 4, 2017 23:29
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* @providesModule diffReact
* @flow
import React from 'react';
import {diffLines} from 'diff';
import deepEqual from 'deep-equal';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import prettyFormat from 'pretty-format';
import reactTestPlugin from 'pretty-format/build/plugins/ReactTestComponent';
// NOTE: test renderer must be required after react-native.
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
// A React POJO (Plain Old Javascript Object), generated by calling
// ReactTestComponent.toJSON() (which actually creates a POJO, not JSON as the
// name would suggest).
type ReactPOJO =
| string
| {
$$typeof?: Symbol,
children: ?Array<ReactPOJO>,
props: {[key: string]: any},
type: string,
type CollapseResult = {
areEqual: boolean,
base: ReactPOJO,
test: ReactPOJO,
// In canonicalize(), we'll want to replace all function props with references
// to the same function so that deepEqual() doesn't identify them as different
// (since we really only want a diff of the visual props).
const SENTINEL_FUNCTION = () => {};
export default function diffReact(
base: React.Element<any>,
test: React.Element<any>,
): string {
// Recurse through the two rendered JSON DOMs in parallel, replacing equal
// props with a single `…="…"` prop and equal children with `…`.
const {
base: collapsedBase,
test: collapsedTest,
} = collapseReactPOJOs(
if (areEqual) {
return '(No visual differences)';
// Perform a standard line-based diff on the formatted, collapsed DOMs.
const diffs = diffLines(
// Format the diffs in the standard line-prefix (+, -, or ' ') diff format.
return diffs
.map(({added, removed, value}) =>
.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '') // Strip any final newlines.
.map(line => `${added ? '+' : removed ? '-' : ' '} ${line}`)
function canonicalize(data: any): any {
if (typeof data === 'function') {
} else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
} else if (data instanceof Object) {
const canonicalizedData = {};
for (const key in data) {
canonicalizedData[key] = canonicalize(data[key]);
return canonicalizedData;
} else {
return data;
function collapseReactPOJOs(base: ReactPOJO, test: ReactPOJO): CollapseResult {
if (typeof base === 'string' && typeof test === 'string') {
return {base, test, areEqual: base === test};
} else if (
typeof base === 'string' ||
typeof test === 'string' ||
base.type !== test.type
) {
return {base, test, areEqual: false};
const allPropsAreEqual = deepEqual(base.props, test.props);
const newBaseProps = {...base.props};
const newTestProps = {...test.props};
for (const prop of Object.keys(base.props)) {
if (deepEqual(base.props[prop], test.props[prop])) {
// Delete the common props...
delete newBaseProps[prop];
delete newTestProps[prop];
// ... and replace them with a single '(equivalent props)="..."' prop.
newBaseProps['…'] = '…';
newTestProps['…'] = '…';
const allChildrenAreEqual = deepEqual(base.children, test.children);
let newBaseChildren = [];
let newTestChildren = [];
if (allChildrenAreEqual) {
if (base.children && base.children.length > 0) {
} else {
const maxEqualChildren = base.children && test.children
? Math.min(base.children.length, test.children.length)
: 0;
let ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < maxEqualChildren; ++ii) {
base.children && test.children,
'base and test should both have children if in this loop',
const {base: newBaseChild, test: newTestChild} = collapseReactPOJOs(
newBaseChildren[ii] = newBaseChild;
newTestChildren[ii] = newTestChild;
newBaseChildren = newBaseChildren.concat((base.children || []).slice(ii));
newTestChildren = newTestChildren.concat((test.children || []).slice(ii));
return {
areEqual: allPropsAreEqual && allChildrenAreEqual,
base: {
type: base.type,
props: newBaseProps,
children: newBaseChildren.length > 0 ? newBaseChildren : null,
test: {
type: test.type,
props: newTestProps,
children: newTestChildren.length > 0 ? newTestChildren : null,
function formatReactPOJO(reactPOJO: ReactPOJO) {
if (typeof reactPOJO === 'object') {
// HACK: Trick reactTestPlugin into thinking a ReactPOJO is a
// ReactTestComponent instance (which has the same type signature as a
// ReactPOJO).
reactPOJO.$$typeof = Symbol.for('react.test.json');
const prettyFormatted = prettyFormat(reactPOJO, {
escapeRegex: true,
plugins: [reactTestPlugin],
printFunctionName: false,
const prettyFormattedAndCollapsed = prettyFormatted
// Collapse tags with equal props and equal children like:
// <View …="…">…</View>
/(\s*)<(\w+)\n\1 {2}…="…"\n\1>\n\1 {2}…\n\1<\/\2>/g,
'$1<$2 …="…">…</$2>',
// Collapse tags with equal props but differing or no children like:
// <View …="…">
// <View />
// </View>`.
// or:
// <View …="…"/>
.replace(/(\s*)<(\w+)\n\1 {2}…="…"\n\1(\/?)>/g, '$1<$2 …="…"$3>');
return prettyFormattedAndCollapsed;
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