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Created January 5, 2013 13:05
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Another Inlet
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var svg ="svg");
var clist = new Object();
clist.Hydrogen = "#EA3445"
clist.Noble_gas = "#7BC9F0"
clist.Alkali_metals = "#F88437"
clist.Alkaline_earth_metals = "#0FD3BB"
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// deeper element json at
// traced from:
// minor modifications included.
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data = csv;
var data = tributary.periodictabledump3
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At# Mass Name Symbol group type named_type row
1 1.0079400000 Hydrogen H 1 Hydrogen Hydrogen 1
2 4.0026020000 Helium He 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 1
3 6.9410000000 Lithium Li 1 metals Alkali_metals 2
4 9.0121820000 Beryllium Be 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 2
5 10.8110000000 Boron B 13 metaloids Semiconductors 2
6 12.0107000000 Carbon C 14 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 2
7 14.0067000000 Nitrogen N 15 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 2
8 15.9994000000 Oxygen O 16 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 2
9 18.9994000000 Fluorine F 17 nonmetals Halogens 2
10 20.1797000000 Neon Ne 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 2
11 22.9897692800 Sodium Na 1 metals Alkali_metals 3
12 24.3050000000 Magnesium Mg 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 3
13 26.9815386000 Aluminium Al 13 metals Other_metals 3
14 28.0855000000 Silicon Si 14 metaloids Semiconductors 3
15 30.9737620000 Phosphorus P 15 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 3
16 32.0650000000 Sulphur S 16 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 3
17 35.4530000000 Chlorine Cl 17 nonmetals Halogens 3
18 39.9480000000 Argon Ar 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 3
19 39.0983000000 Potassium K 1 metals Alkali_metals 4
20 40.0780000000 Calcium Ca 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 4
21 44.9559120000 Scandium Sc 3 metals Transition_metals 4
22 47.8670000000 Titanium Ti 4 metals Transition_metals 4
23 50.9415000000 Vanadium V 5 metals Transition_metals 4
24 51.9961000000 Chromium Cr 6 metals Transition_metals 4
25 54.9380450000 Manganese Mn 7 metals Transition_metals 4
26 55.8450000000 Iron Fe 8 metals Transition_metals 4
27 58.9331950000 Cobalt Co 9 metals Transition_metals 4
28 58.6934000000 Nickel Ni 10 metals Transition_metals 4
29 63.5460000000 Copper Cu 11 metals Transition_metals 4
30 65.3800000000 Zinc Zn 12 metals Transition_metals 4
31 69.7230000000 Gallium Ga 13 metals Other_metals 4
32 72.6400000000 Germanium Ge 14 metaloids Semiconductors 4
33 74.9216000000 Arsenic As 15 metaloids Semiconductors 4
34 78.9600000000 Selenium Se 16 nonmetals Other_nonmetals 4
35 79.9040000000 Bromine Br 17 nonmetals Halogens 4
36 83.7980000000 Krypton Kr 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 4
37 85.4678000000 Rubidium Rb 1 metals Alkali_metals 5
38 87.6200000000 Strontium Sr 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 5
39 88.9058500000 Yttrium Y 3 metals Transition_metals 5
40 91.2240000000 Zirconium Zr 4 metals Transition_metals 5
41 92.9063800000 Niobium Nb 5 metals Transition_metals 5
42 95.9600000000 Molybdenum Mo 6 metals Transition_metals 5
43 98.0000000000 Technetium Tc 7 metals Transition_metals 5
44 101.0700000000 Ruthenium Ru 8 metals Transition_metals 5
45 102.9055000000 Rhodium Rh 9 metals Transition_metals 5
46 106.4200000000 Palladium Pd 10 metals Transition_metals 5
47 107.8682000000 Silver Ag 11 metals Transition_metals 5
48 112.4110000000 Cadmium Cd 12 metals Transition_metals 5
49 114.8180000000 Indium In 13 metals Other_metals 5
50 118.7100000000 Tin Sn 14 metals Other_metals 5
51 121.7600000000 Antimony Sb 15 metaloids Semiconductors 5
52 127.6000000000 Tellurium Te 16 metaloids Semiconductors 5
53 126.9044700000 Iodine I 17 nonmetals Halogens 5
54 131.2930000000 Xenon Xe 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 5
55 132.9054519000 Cesium Cs 1 metals Alkali_metals 6
56 137.3270000000 Barium Ba 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 6
57 138.9054700000 Lanthanum La 3 metals Transition_metals 6
58 140.1160000000 Cerium Ce 5 metals Transition_metals2 9
59 140.9076500000 Praseodymium Pr 6 metals Transition_metals2 9
60 144.2420000000 Neodymium Nd 7 metals Transition_metals2 9
61 145.0000000000 Promethium Pm 8 metals Transition_metals2 9
62 150.3600000000 Samarium Sm 9 metals Transition_metals2 9
63 151.9640000000 Europium Eu 10 metals Transition_metals2 9
64 157.2500000000 Gadolinium Gd 11 metals Transition_metals2 9
65 158.9253500000 Terbium Tb 12 metals Transition_metals2 9
66 162.5001000000 Dysprosium Dy 13 metals Transition_metals2 9
67 164.9303200000 Holmium Ho 14 metals Transition_metals2 9
68 167.2590000000 Erbium Er 15 metals Transition_metals2 9
69 168.9342100000 Thulium Tm 16 metals Transition_metals2 9
70 173.0540000000 Ytterbium Yb 17 metals Transition_metals2 9
71 174.9668000000 Lutetium Lu 18 metals Transition_metals2 9
72 178.4900000000 Hafnium Hf 4 metals Transition_metals 6
73 180.9478800000 Tantalum Ta 5 metals Transition_metals 6
74 183.8400000000 Tungsten W 6 metals Transition_metals 6
75 186.2070000000 Rhenium Re 7 metals Transition_metals 6
76 190.2300000000 Osmium Os 8 metals Transition_metals 6
77 192.2170000000 Iridium Ir 9 metals Transition_metals 6
78 192.0840000000 Platinum Pt 10 metals Transition_metals 6
79 196.9665690000 Gold Au 11 metals Transition_metals 6
80 200.5900000000 Mercury Hg 12 metals Transition_metals 6
81 204.3833000000 Thallium Tl 13 metals Other_metals 6
82 207.2000000000 Lead Pb 14 metals Other_metals 6
83 208.9804010000 Bismuth Bi 15 metals Other_metals 6
84 210.0000000000 Polonium Po 16 metals Other_metals 6
85 210.0000000000 Astatine At 17 nonmetals Halogens 6
86 220.0000000000 Radon Rn 18 nonmetals Noble_gas 6
87 223.0000000000 Francium Fr 1 metals Alkali_metals 7
88 226.0000000000 Radium Ra 2 metals Alkaline_earth_metals 7
89 227.0000000000 Actinium Ac 3 metals Transition_metals 7
90 232.0380600000 Thorium Th 5 metals Transition_metals2 10
91 231.0358800000 Protactinium Pa 6 metals Transition_metals2 10
92 238.0289100000 Uranium U 7 metals Transition_metals2 10
93 237.0000000000 Neptunium Np 8 metals Transition_metals2 10
94 244.0000000000 Plutonium Pu 9 metals Transition_metals2 10
95 243.0000000000 Americium Am 10 metals Transition_metals2 10
96 247.0000000000 Curium Cm 11 metals Transition_metals2 10
97 247.0000000000 Berkelium Bk 12 metals Transition_metals2 10
98 251.0000000000 Californium Cf 13 metals Transition_metals2 10
99 252.0000000000 Einsteinium Es 14 metals Transition_metals2 10
100 257.0000000000 Fermium Fm 15 metals Transition_metals2 10
101 258.0000000000 Mendelevium Md 16 metals Transition_metals2 10
102 259.0000000000 Nobelium No 17 metals Transition_metals2 10
103 262.0000000000 Lawrencium Lr 18 metals Transition_metals2 10
104 261.0000000000 Rutherfordium Rf 4 metals Transition_metals 7
105 262.0000000000 Dubnium Db 5 metals Transition_metals 7
106 266.0000000000 Seaborgium Sg 6 metals Transition_metals 7
107 264.0000000000 Bohrium Bh 7 metals Transition_metals 7
108 277.0000000000 Hassium Hs 8 metals Transition_metals 7
109 268.0000000000 Meitnerium Mt 9 metals Transition_metals 7
110 271.0000000000 Darmstadtium Ds 10 metals Transition_metals 7
111 272.0000000000 Roentgenium Rg 11 metals Transition_metals 7
112 285.0000000000 Ununbium Uub 12 future vague 7
113 284.0000000000 Ununtrium Uut 13 future vague 7
114 289.0000000000 Ununquadium Uuq 14 future vague 7
115 288.0000000000 Ununpentium Uup 15 future vague 7
116 292.0000000000 Ununhexium Uuh 16 future vague 7
118 294.0000000000 Ununoctium Uuo 17 future vague 7
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