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Last active April 6, 2023 06:58
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  • Save winston-stripe/0cac608bd63b42d73a352be53577f7fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Example calls responses
// Publicly documented fields at
"type": "call",
"call_id": "Rxxxxxxx",
"block_id": "+1F6S",
// Private fields?
"api_decoration_available": false,
"call": {
"v1": {
"id": "Rxxxxxxx",
"app_id": "Axxxxx",
"app_icon_urls": {
"image_32": "",
"image_36": "",
"image_48": "",
"image_64": "",
"image_72": "",
"image_96": "",
"image_128": "",
"image_192": "",
"image_512": "",
"image_1024": ""
"date_start": 1680734761,
"active_participants": [],
"all_participants": [],
"display_id": "ZOOM-NUMBER",
"join_url": "",
"desktop_app_join_url": "zoommtg://",
"name": "Zoom meeting started by winston",
"created_by": "Uxxxxxxxx",
"date_end": 0,
"channels": [
"is_dm_call": false,
"was_rejected": false,
"was_missed": false,
"was_accepted": false,
"has_ended": false
"media_backend_type": "platform_call"
"ok": true,
"call": {
"id": "Rxxxxxxxx",
"date_start": 1680746773,
"external_unique_id": "ZzEtARdfdsabSyuztCrgdeD9Bg==",
"join_url": "",
"date_end": 1680747013,
// Technically the `channels` field isn't documented either, but might be worth including
"channels": [
"external_display_id": "ZOOM-NUMBER",
"title": "Zoom meeting started by winston",
"desktop_app_join_url": "zoommtg://",
"users": [
"slack_id": "Uxxxxxxxxx"
"external_id": "hfjkdsa",
"avatar_url": "",
"display_name": "winston-personal"
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