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Created November 9, 2012 13:19
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Save webdevbyjoss/4045634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Render error messages of Backbone.Validation for Twitter Bootstrap
// Original CoffeScript gist can be found here: (credits to the author)
// I just translated it to JavaScript for my own needs using Coffeescript to Javascript translator
_.extend(Backbone.Validation.callbacks, {
valid: function(view, attr, selector) {
var control, group;
control = view.$('[' + selector + '=' + attr + ']');
group = control.parents(".control-group");
if ("error-style") === "tooltip") {
if ("tooltip")) {
return control.tooltip("hide");
} else if ("error-style") === "inline") {
return group.find(".help-inline.error-message").remove();
} else {
return group.find(".help-block.error-message").remove();
invalid: function(view, attr, error, selector) {
var control, group, position, target;
control = view.$('[' + selector + '=' + attr + ']');
group = control.parents(".control-group");
if ("error-style") === "tooltip") {
position ="tooltip-position") || "right";
placement: position,
trigger: "manual",
title: error
return control.tooltip("show");
} else if ("error-style") === "inline") {
if (group.find(".help-inline").length === 0) {
group.find(".controls").append("<span class=\"help-inline error-message\"></span>");
target = group.find(".help-inline");
return target.text(error);
} else {
if (group.find(".help-block").length === 0) {
group.find(".controls").append("<p class=\"help-block error-message\"></p>");
target = group.find(".help-block");
return target.text(error);
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