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Created July 9, 2023 09:19
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import pathlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def read_data(path_to_csv):
df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv, skiprows=3)
unit = df.iloc[:, 1].name.split("(")[-1][:-1]
return df.iloc[:, 0], df.iloc[:, 1], unit
def calculate_psd(path_to_folder: str or pathlib.Path):
folder_path = pathlib.Path(path_to_folder)
assert folder_path.exists(), "Path to data folder doesn't exist"
csv_files = folder_path.glob("*.csv")
results = {}
for pth in csv_files:
t, x, unit = read_data(pth)
fs = 1 / (t.diff().mean())
# remove zero-shift
x -= x.mean()
# apply windowing function
w = np.hamming(len(x))
xw = x * w
# calculate fft
nfft = len(x)
freq = np.arange(0, fs / 2, fs / nfft)[:-1]
X = np.fft.fft(xw, nfft)
# convert to PSD
psdX = np.abs(X) ** 2
psdX = psdX[:nfft // 2]
# scale the PSD
# scaling factor (from window function)
S = sum(w ** 2)
psdX = 2 * psdX / (fs * S)
# from scipy.signal import periodogram
# Calculate PSD using periodogram function (gives same results)
# freq2, psd2 = periodogram(x, fs, "hamming", nfft)[:nfft//2]
results[pth.stem] = {"freq": freq, "PSD": psdX, "unit": unit}
return results
def plot_results(results: dict[str: dict], save_folder: str or pathlib.Path, f_start: float, f_finish: float,
title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str):
save_folder = pathlib.Path(save_folder)
global_unit = None
for label, data in results.items():
freq = data["freq"]
psdX = data["PSD"]
if global_unit is None:
global_unit = data["unit"]
assert global_unit == data["unit"], "All data must have same unit!"
plt.plot(freq, psdX, label=label, linestyle="solid")
lab = ylabel.format(global_unit)
save_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
plt.xlim(f_start, f_finish)
plt.savefig(save_folder.joinpath("psd_comparison.png"), dpi=200)
plt.savefig(save_folder.joinpath("psd_comparison.pdf"), )
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --- set these and then run --------------
path_to_data_folder = "./data/test"
f_start = 0.
f_finish = 0.5
# --- optional:
result_folder = path_to_data_folder # by default, results are saved to same folder as data
title_of_plot = "Power Spectral Density"
xlabel_of_plot = 'Frequency (Hz)'
ylabel_of_plot = "Power Spectral Density ({}$^2$/Hz)" # {} will be replaced by unit of the time series
# -----------------------------------------
results = calculate_psd(path_to_data_folder)
plot_results(results, result_folder, f_start, f_finish, title_of_plot, xlabel_of_plot, ylabel_of_plot)
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