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Created February 25, 2020 00:45
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set -ex
DIRECTORIES_TO_ARCHIVE="vendor/cache vendor/assets tmp/cache/assets public/assets public/packs "
# Fetch tarball archive containing cache and extract it.
# "tmp/assets/cache" and "public/assets".
if wget -q "${GOOGLE_BUCKET_NAME}/o/${ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}?alt=media" -O ${ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME} ; then
echo "No archive was found in the bucket"
#visually verify the env is set properly
env | grep BUNDLE
# Step 3.
# Install gems from "vendor/cache" and pack up them.
bin/bundle config set deployment 'true'
# --without development test should be set in the dockerfile env vars
bin/bundle install
bin/bundle clean
bin/bundle pack --quiet
# Step 4.
# Precompile assets.
# Note that the "RAILS_ENV" is already defined in Dockerfile
# and will be used implicitly.
DB_ADAPTER=nulldb bin/rake assets:precompile
# Step 5.
# Compress "vendor/cache", "tmp/assets/cache"
# and "public/assets" directories into a tarball archive.
# Step 6.
# Push the compressed archive containing updated cache to google storage.
wget --no-check-certificate \
--header="Content-type: multipart/form-data boundary=FILEUPLOAD" \
--header="Content-Type: ${OBJECT_CONTENT_TYPE}" \
--post-file ${ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME} \
# Step 7.
# Step 8 Clean up junk before things are added to the docker image.
rm -rf $BUNDLE_PATH/cache/
find $BUNDLE_PATH/ -name "*.c" -delete
find $BUNDLE_PATH/ -name "*.o" -delete
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