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Last active November 15, 2024 23:11
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Miniflare in Sveltekit

Miniflare in SvelteKit!

This requires the package miniflare (NOT any of the @miniflare/-scoped packages), as well as @cloudflare/workers-types if you're using TypeScript. For setting up @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare, see

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { dev } from "$app/environment";
import type { Miniflare } from "miniflare";

let mf: Miniflare;

export async function handle({ event, resolve }) {
	if (dev) {
		if (!mf) {
			const { Miniflare, Log, LogLevel } = await import("miniflare");
			mf = new Miniflare({
				log: new Log(LogLevel.INFO),
				kvPersist: "./kv-data",
				kvNamespaces: ["KV"],
				d1Persist: "./d1-data",
				d1Databases: ["D1"],
				// you should also be able to add durable objects & r2
				script: "",
				modules: true,
		event.platform = { env: await mf.getBindings() };
	return resolve(event);
// app.d.ts
import type { D1Database, KVNamespace } from "@cloudflare/workers-types";

declare global {
	namespace App {
		// interface Error {}
		// interface Locals {}
		// interface PageData {}
		interface Platform {
        		// remember to add these bindings in your cloudflare dashboard!
        		// should be in Workers & Pages > [your site] > Settings > Functions > scroll down to the bindings settings
			env: {
				KV: KVNamespace;
				D1: D1Database;
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Also check out for a version that reads bindings from wrangler.toml, so you can properly integrate Miniflare with your local wrangler data

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