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Last active October 12, 2024 17:10
PHP Function to Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Based on ``
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function(s) ...
define('X', "\x1A"); // a placeholder character
$SS = '"(?:[^"\\\]++|\\\.)*+"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]++|\\\.)*+\'';
$CC = '\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/';
$CH = '<\!--[\s\S]*?-->';
$TB = '<%1$s(?:>|\s[^<>]*?>)[\s\S]*?<\/%1$s>';
function __minify_x($input) {
return str_replace(array("\n", "\t", ' '), array(X . '\n', X . '\t', X . '\s'), $input);
function __minify_v($input) {
return str_replace(array(X . '\n', X . '\t', X . '\s'), array("\n", "\t", ' '), $input);
* =======================================================
* =======================================================
* -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------
* echo minify_html(file_get_contents('test.html'));
* -------------------------------------------------------
function _minify_html($input) {
return preg_replace_callback('#<\s*([^\/\s]+)\s*(?:>|(\s[^<>]+?)\s*>)#', function($m) {
if(isset($m[2])) {
// Minify inline CSS declaration(s)
if(stripos($m[2], ' style=') !== false) {
$m[2] = preg_replace_callback('#( style=)([\'"]?)(.*?)\2#i', function($m) {
return $m[1] . $m[2] . minify_css($m[3]) . $m[2];
}, $m[2]);
return '<' . $m[1] . preg_replace(
// From `defer="defer"`, `defer='defer'`, `defer="true"`, `defer='true'`, `defer=""` and `defer=''` to `defer` [^1]
// Remove extra white-space(s) between HTML attribute(s) [^2]
// From `<img />` to `<img/>` [^3]
// [^1]
' $1',
// [^2]
' $1$2',
// [^3]
str_replace("\n", ' ', $m[2])) . '>';
return '<' . $m[1] . '>';
}, $input);
function minify_html($input) {
if( ! $input = trim($input)) return $input;
global $CH, $TB;
// Keep important white-space(s) after self-closing HTML tag(s)
$input = preg_replace('#(<(?:img|input)(?:\s[^<>]*?)?\s*\/?>)\s+#i', '$1' . X . '\s', $input);
// Create chunk(s) of HTML tag(s), ignored HTML group(s), HTML comment(s) and text
$input = preg_split('#(' . $CH . '|' . sprintf($TB, 'pre') . '|' . sprintf($TB, 'code') . '|' . sprintf($TB, 'script') . '|' . sprintf($TB, 'style') . '|' . sprintf($TB, 'textarea') . '|<[^<>]+?>)#i', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$output = "";
foreach($input as $v) {
if($v !== ' ' && trim($v) === "") continue;
if($v[0] === '<' && substr($v, -1) === '>') {
if($v[1] === '!' && substr($v, 0, 4) === '<!--') { // HTML comment ...
// Remove if not detected as IE comment(s) ...
if(substr($v, -12) !== '<![endif]-->') continue;
$output .= $v;
} else {
$output .= __minify_x(_minify_html($v));
} else {
// Force line-break with `&#10;` or `&#xa;`
$v = str_replace(array('&#10;', '&#xA;', '&#xa;'), X . '\n', $v);
// Force white-space with `&#32;` or `&#x20;`
$v = str_replace(array('&#32;', '&#x20;'), X . '\s', $v);
// Replace multiple white-space(s) with a space
$output .= preg_replace('#\s+#', ' ', $v);
// Clean up ...
$output = preg_replace(
// Remove two or more white-space(s) between tag [^1]
// Remove white-space(s) before tag-close [^2]
// [^1]
// [^2]
$output = __minify_v($output);
// Remove white-space(s) after ignored tag-open and before ignored tag-close (except `<textarea>`)
return preg_replace('#<(code|pre|script|style)(>|\s[^<>]*?>)\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*<\/\1>#i', '<$1$2$3</$1>', $output);
* =======================================================
* =======================================================
* -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------
* echo minify_css(file_get_contents('test.css'));
* -------------------------------------------------------
function _minify_css($input) {
// Keep important white-space(s) in `calc()`
if(stripos($input, 'calc(') !== false) {
$input = preg_replace_callback('#\b(calc\()\s*(.*?)\s*\)#i', function($m) {
return $m[1] . preg_replace('#\s+#', X . '\s', $m[2]) . ')';
}, $input);
// Minify ...
return preg_replace(
// Fix case for `#foo [bar="baz"]` and `#foo :first-child` [^1]
// Fix case for `[bar="baz"] .foo` and `url(foo.jpg) no-repeat` [^2]
'#\]\s+#', '#\)\s+\b#',
// Minify HEX color code ... [^3]
// Remove white-space(s) around punctuation(s) [^4]
// Replace zero unit(s) with `0` [^5]
// Replace `0.6` with `.6` [^6]
// Replace `:0 0`, `:0 0 0` and `:0 0 0 0` with `:0` [^7]
// Replace `background(?:-position)?:(0|none)` with `background$1:0 0` [^8]
// Replace `(border(?:-radius)?|outline):none` with `$1:0` [^9]
// Remove empty selector(s) [^10]
// Remove the last semi-colon and replace multiple semi-colon(s) with a semi-colon [^11]
// Replace multiple white-space(s) with a space [^12]
// [^1]
X . '\s$1',
// [^2]
']' . X . '\s', ')' . X . '\s',
// [^3]
// [^4]
// [^5]
// [^6]
// [^7]
// [^8]
'$1:0 0',
// [^9]
// [^10]
// [^11]
// [^12]
' '
function minify_css($input) {
if( ! $input = trim($input)) return $input;
global $SS, $CC;
// Keep important white-space(s) between comment(s)
$input = preg_replace('#(' . $CC . ')\s+(' . $CC . ')#', '$1' . X . '\s$2', $input);
// Create chunk(s) of string(s), comment(s) and text
$input = preg_split('#(' . $SS . '|' . $CC . ')#', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$output = "";
foreach($input as $v) {
if(trim($v) === "") continue;
($v[0] === '"' && substr($v, -1) === '"') ||
($v[0] === "'" && substr($v, -1) === "'") ||
(substr($v, 0, 2) === '/*' && substr($v, -2) === '*/')
) {
// Remove if not detected as important comment ...
if($v[0] === '/' && substr($v, 0, 3) !== '/*!') continue;
$output .= $v; // String or comment ...
} else {
$output .= _minify_css($v);
// Remove quote(s) where possible ...
$output = preg_replace(
'#(' . $CC . ')|(?<!\bcontent\:)([\'"])([a-z_][-\w]*?)\2#i',
'#(' . $CC . ')|\b(url\()([\'"])([^\s]+?)\3(\))#i'
return __minify_v($output);
* =======================================================
* =======================================================
* -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------
* echo minify_js(file_get_contents('test.js'));
* -------------------------------------------------------
function _minify_js($input) {
return preg_replace(
// Remove inline comment(s) [^1]
// Remove white-space(s) around punctuation(s) [^2]
// Remove the last semi-colon and comma [^3]
// Replace `true` with `!0` and `false` with `!1` [^4]
'#\btrue\b#', '#false\b#', '#return\s+#'
// [^1]
// [^2]
// [^3]
// [^4]
'!0', '!1', 'return '
function minify_js($input) {
if( ! $input = trim($input)) return $input;
// Create chunk(s) of string(s), comment(s), regex(es) and
global $SS, $CC;
$input = preg_split('#(' . $SS . '|' . $CC . '|\/[^\n]+?\/(?=[.,;]|[gimuy]|$))#', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$output = "";
foreach($input as $v) {
if(trim($v) === "") continue;
($v[0] === '"' && substr($v, -1) === '"') ||
($v[0] === "'" && substr($v, -1) === "'") ||
($v[0] === '/' && substr($v, -1) === '/')
) {
// Remove if not detected as important comment ...
if(substr($v, 0, 2) === '//' || (substr($v, 0, 2) === '/*' && substr($v, 0, 3) !== '/*!' && substr($v, 0, 8) !== '/*@cc_on')) continue;
$output .= $v; // String, comment or regex ...
} else {
$output .= _minify_js($v);
return preg_replace(
// Minify object attribute(s) except JSON attribute(s). From `{'foo':'bar'}` to `{foo:'bar'}` [^1]
'#(' . $CC . ')|([\{,])([\'])(\d+|[a-z_]\w*)\3(?=:)#i',
// From `foo['bar']` to `` [^2]
// [^1]
// [^2]
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avsoftenterprise commented Oct 3, 2016

I have an issue with this minifier.
I'm going to improve my SEO. This is the reason why I convert all image src with path in image base64 string.

When I parse my HTML with minifier it crash and the response page is empty.

Do you have any suggestion?

@avsoftenterprise Try the updated version.

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Fusseldieb commented Oct 5, 2016

When comments have any " ' ", it'll break the javascript badly...

Ex: " // That isn't for something " -> This break the js!

Other than that, nice php :)

I fixed it!


// Remove inline comment(s) [^1]


// Remove inline comment(s) [^1]

Now it will accept even multiline comments.
Big thanks to :p

But it still doesn't accept code comments.
Like those: // mydiv.classList.add('fadeout');
It'll break.

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taufik-nurrohman commented Oct 29, 2016

@Fusseldieb the parser splits your comment code as string and comment like this:

    '// ',

Will try to fix this issue next time. Maybe by setting the comment string in a higher priority to be captured than the string string.

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mocanuga commented Nov 10, 2016

I have some issues with the js minifier.

'use strict' becomes 'usestrict'.
if('foo' in bar) becomes if('foo'inbar).
var Gesture becomes varGesture
var rule = typeof selector == 'object' ? selector : this.get(selector) becomes varrule=typeofselector=='object'?selector:this.get(selector)

I suppose there are more but can't detect them as the parser breaks on first issue.

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taufik-nurrohman commented Jan 7, 2017


Added function arguments:

$output = minify_{$any}($input, $comment = 2, $quote = 2);
  • 0: Remove
  • 1: Keep
  • 2: Remove if/but/when … (example: keep if detected as IE conditional comments, keep if contains @license, etc.)

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MarlonGnauck commented Jan 22, 2017

will be "optimized" to

If I use an other number... all is correct

@MarlonGnauck Found the problem. PHP treat the string 0 as boolean false. Weird. ☹️


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suporteon commented Feb 2, 2017

Great job! Congratulations!!!

It's good to have minify solutions in a single script or class.

It would be more interesting if you could adapt your code to a "Minify" class with public methods such as minify_html(), minify_css() and minify_js().

I tried many minifiers and all of them (including this one) fail with my scripts containing specific situations:

Case 1: single quote in a js comment:

number = Math.round(number - number % 1); // Plain Math.round doesn't just truncate

Case 2: two consecutive empty blocks of jquery (two "empty" files being minified):

$(function() {


$(function() {


Case 3: a comma after the last element of a JSON object:

var config= {
	app_name : "Suporte On",
	app_username : "suporte_on",
	app_domain : "",

Thank you!


It would be more interesting if you could adapt your code to a "Minify" class with public methods such as …

Yes, these functions are based on the Minify class from a PHP CMS called Mecha.

I tried many minifiers and all of them (including this one) fail with my scripts containing specific situations.

Trying to fix them. Do you have short examples that represent about before and after JavaScript output using this minifier?

FYI, I don’t have any plan to add ability to minify the variable name too. That‘s too overweight.

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Saacy commented Feb 3, 2017

Hello. Thanks for the minifier. I have found a bug.

.text { background-position:0 -190px; }
transforms to:
.text{background-position:0 0 -190px}

@Saacy 👍

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dad72 commented Feb 28, 2017

The JavaScript in the HTML and use of fn_minify_html () is not minimized. and comments in PHP is not minimized too.

Is it possible that this is supported? Thank you

See #gistcomment-1781082. PHP does not required to be minified because PHP files are not downloaded directly like normal files.

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sodabob commented Mar 24, 2017

When minimizing javascript, the end } of a function and the next line are placed together. For example:

window.onload = function(e) {

var phone_pattern = new RegExp("\\d{3}\\-\\d{3}\\-\\d{4}");


window.onload = function(e) {externalLinks();}var phone_pattern = new RegExp("\\d{3}\\-\\d{3}\\-\\d{4}");

which causes a javascript error.

EDIT: the below fixed the javascript error, but it broke the minimization. Not sure why?
To fix, I removed the part that removes white space(s) around { or } i.e. line 271 becomes:


Thanks for a great script, it is a HUGE time saver for me attempting to do this from scratch.

FWIW, Google PageSpeed Insights still considers the javascript to be minimized with this change (which makes no sense, since it wasn't minimized).

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taufik-nurrohman commented Mar 27, 2017

@sodabob This minifier does not do any code validation. Your code is invalid because semicolon after object access is important (expected `;` and instead saw `(end)`). It is like when you put semicolon at the end of variable definition. This will fix the issue:

window.onload = function() {

}; // ← :)


window.onload = function() {

} // ← :(

function test() {

} // ← :)

window.onload = test // ← :(
window.onload = test; // ← :)

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dlzi commented Apr 18, 2017


Does the script concatenate multiple files? I couldn't find any info about that on the examples above.


@danielzilli No this script only works as a minifier. Concatenating requires extra function to do something like: get the content, minify, combine all of them and save the combined contents to a new file.

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TriForceX commented May 3, 2017

@tovic a ) symbol is missing at the end of the if in the line 257 (

actually is:
if ($part[0] === '/' && (substr($part, -1) === '/' || preg_match('#\/[gimuy]*$#', $part)) {

should be:
if ($part[0] === '/' && (substr($part, -1) === '/' || preg_match('#\/[gimuy]*$#', $part))) {

@TriForceX Fixed thanks.

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radhava commented May 17, 2017

Hi, You have a wonderful script there...
Is it possible to include this php-html-css-js-minifier.php file in the header.php (For oscommerce stores) and get all CSS, JS, html compressed automatically on the fly?
//header.php file
include 'includes/php-html-css-js-minifier.php';

//What code goes here to TRIGGER THE minify for all JS CSS FILES AND HTML on the fly.`

Please your help will be deeply appreciated;
Warm Regds.

@radhava Please check #gistcomment-2063222

To make such functionality requires a lot of work. And sometimes by making everything automatic will also lead to uncontrollable results.

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ivobarbosa commented May 24, 2017

Hello, your function minify_css dont work with bootstrap medias querys, can you help me to fix them?
I try to minify this
The file css show is empty.

@ #

@ivobarbosa Haven’t checked yet, but will add this to my TODO list.

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It's a great tool, but has weird bug:
{% for lang_abbr, lang_name in langs %} <li> <a class="flag flag-{{ lang_abbr }}" title="{{ lang_name }}" href="{{ sites[lang_abbr] ~ uri }}"> {{ lang_name }} </a> </li> {% endfor %}
But this fork saved me :

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moonston3 commented Aug 2, 2017

Thx for your work.

I've had a problem with the CSS Minifier:

// Replace zero unit(s) with0[^5] '#\b(?:0\.)?0([a-z]+\b|%)#i',
Matches e.g. '2.0vmax' and changed it to "2.0" because "\b" matches "." and '(?:0.)?' is not required.
Here is my poor "update" of your Pattern, maybe someone can do it in elegant:

Replace with:

By the way I added a replace for "0.0" (zero float without a unit).

Best regards

Changed the pattern to ''#(\s|:|,()(?:0.0|0)(?:[a-z]+\b|%)|(?:0.0[^0-9])#i',' because not only '0.0' was changed to '0'. Also '0.07em' was changed to '07em'... Maybe someone would write a clean pattern? ;)

@moonston3 I am still playing around with this regex →

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rinku17 commented Aug 11, 2017

The last update introduced a bug that I have experienced in JS minification.
It removes this / ( forward slash ) character within js regex. But the previous js minify definition with define('MINIFY_PATTERN_JS', '\b/[^\n]+?/[gimuy]*\b'); works fine.


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BabyDead commented Aug 24, 2017

This really breaks on regex in javascript minification. Or, better yet, it deletes literally anything that starts with a forward slash. "/".
For now, something like this is too complicated for me to fix, unfortunately :(

@rinku17 @BabyDead Thanks for the report. The last update should fix the issue. My mistake, sorry.

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Found the regex, unfortunately not reverse-able with JavaScript:


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Aljnk commented Nov 5, 2017

javascript code var txt="am"; converted to var txt=am; without ";

also, you can use 0 and 1 for replace false and true (or !1 and !0 - I saw this in some minified files);


also, you can use 0 and 1 for replace false and true (or !1 and !0 - I saw this in some minified files);

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tmiecz commented Feb 20, 2018

Nice script. I noticed that MINIFY_HTML removes domain name to make the paths relative - that's problematic in some instances, for example, all of your og:image tags will show relative paths, which will break when someone posts your URL to social media.

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ArnoldLovasHeute commented May 17, 2018

hi, i found two css issues:

  1. it changes the unicode-range at the @font-face, this font wont be visible eg
    unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;

the related part in your code:
// Replace zero unit(s) with0 [^5] '#\b(?<!\d\.)(?:0+\.)?0+(?:[a-z]+\b)#i',

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ArnoldLovasHeute commented May 17, 2018

  1. if you use an svg as a background-image, it removes the quote, but it needs it
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23fff' d='M211.9 197.4h-36.7v59.9h36.7v175.8h70.5V256.5h49.2l5.2-59.1h-54.4v-33.7c0-13.9 2.8-19.5 16.3-19.5h38.2V82.9h-48.8c-52.5 0-76.1 23.1-76.1 67.3-.1 38.6-.1 47.2-.1 47.2z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E")

the related part in your code:
// <> substr($prev, -4) === 'url(' && preg_match('#\burl\($#', $prev) ||

Thanks for the reports! Will update this next time.

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dipesh711 commented Jun 23, 2018

Hello @tovic,
This is Works Great Only one Thing I have notice that is in all the place where URL is write with external or internal link in the code that is Converted to /"

Like example .
Original Html : <link href="https://bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Converted Minify HTML : <link href=/"https://bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css/" rel=/"stylesheet/">

And I have see the code where Find the Comment you have writed
// Minify URL(s)

In that you have coded str_replace the " with /" and ' with /' can I known what is the purpose behind that to do.


@dipesh711 There must be some errors in the $url value. Please check by dumping it like var_dump($url). What do you see?

In that you have coded str_replace the " with /" and ' with /' can I know what is the purpose behind that to do (?)

Yes. The code said: str_replace the" with /" and' with /'

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pwFoo commented Jul 1, 2018

Maybe gist should be rewritten to a library with a git repo instead of just a gist?

@pwFoo Yes, it IS a library, but it depends to the Mecha CMS core.

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zdhw commented Sep 24, 2018

If an if/else statement is used without curly brackets, an extra line feed appears.

for example:

if (a1 == "1")
E ="err1";
E ="err2";

Will become:



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384400 commented Sep 11, 2019

Thanks. :)

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mitkoradev commented Nov 13, 2019

I had to change

define('MINIFY_PATTERN_JS', '/[^\n]+?/[gimuy]*');


define('MINIFY_PATTERN_JS', '/[^\n|(\\/)]+?/[gimuy]*');

to avoid issues with regexpresions that had internal escaped /

like this was failing.

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taufik-nurrohman commented Nov 23, 2021

🎉 Hello everyone! The script has been updated. If you have the time, please give a star to the source repository instead. Thank you!

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