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Last active November 18, 2020 10:33
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Parses a YAML file with unknown !ruby tags, using js-yaml
import { Type, Schema } from "js-yaml";
const BigDecimal = new Type("!ruby/object:BigDecimal", {
kind: "scalar",
construct: (data) => {
return parseFloat(data.split(":")[1]);
const supportedTags = [BigDecimal];
const supportedTagNames = => type.tag);
const createPassthroughTag = ({ tag, kind }) => new Type(tag, { kind });
const createSchema = (tags) => {
return Schema.create([
.filter(({ tag }) => !supportedTagNames.includes(tag))
export const createSafeSchema = (message) => {
const tags = Array.from(message.matchAll(/!ruby\/[A-Za-z: ]*/g), (m) => m[0]);
const uniqueTags = Array.from(new Set(tags));
return createSchema( => ({
tag: tag.replace("\n", "").trim(),
kind: tag.endsWith(" ") ? "scalar" : "mapping",
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