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Steve Robbins steverobbins

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colinmollenhour / cleanCache.php
Created May 17, 2012 00:50
Simplified cache cleaning script for production updates.
* Set global/skip_process_modules_updates to '1' in app/etc/local.xml and
* then use this script to apply updates and refresh the config cache without
* causing a stampede on the config cache.
* @author Colin Mollenhour
piscisaureus /
Created August 13, 2012 16:12
Checkout github pull requests locally

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url = [email protected]:joyent/node.git

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

peterjaap / cleanImages.php
Last active February 14, 2024 14:17
Script to clean up the images tables in a Magento installation. Removes references to non-existing images, removes duplicate images, sets correct default image and deletes orphaned images from the filesystem.
* This script deletes duplicate images and imagerows from the database of which the images are not present in the filesystem.
* It also removes images that are exact copies of another image for the same product.
* And lastly, it looks for images that are on the filesystem but not in the database (orphaned images).
* This script can most likely be optimized but since it'll probably only be run a few times, I can't be bothered.
* Place scripts in a folder named 'scripts' (or similar) in the Magento root.
epicserve /
Last active December 23, 2024 02:32
A simple script to print the size of all your Redis keys.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script prints out all of your Redis keys and their size in a human readable format
# Copyright 2013 Brent O'Connor
# License:
human_size() {
awk -v sum="$1" ' BEGIN {hum[1024^3]="Gb"; hum[1024^2]="Mb"; hum[1024]="Kb"; for (x=1024^3; x>=1024; x/=1024) { if (sum>=x) { printf "%.2f %s\n",sum/x,hum[x]; break; } } if (sum<1024) print "1kb"; } '
delimiter ;;
drop procedure if exists build_catalog;;
create procedure build_catalog(IN categories INT, IN products INT)
SET @category_count = 1;
astorm / gist:7800119
Created December 5, 2013 04:30
A method to make the most careful of system designers weep.
protected function _getProtectedPropertyFromObject($property, $object)
$r = new ReflectionClass($object);
$p = $r->getProperty($property);
return $p->getValue($object);

It's been 9 years since the release of PHP, but my muscle memory still wants a double beat (as opposed to tripple) when I type function definitions.

class Baz
    function getSomething()


SchumacherFM /
Last active September 21, 2018 10:05
Avoiding database deadlocks in Magento 1.7

After having many deadlocks due to a high order volumne I've applied the these fixes to the core. Some can be found in a Magento forum. Before the fixes we could only process 1 order every 5-10 secs. Updating to Magento 1.8 is currently not an option but in 1-2 months.

1st Deadlock

Mage_Sales_Model_Abstract::_afterSave must be removed and replaced with afterCommitCallback. This is important to move the grid update (of sales_flat_order_grid) out of the transaction.

2nd Deadlock

Rewrite the method of the Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Observer::reindexQuoteInventory() to remove the price reindexing from the transaction. That index process will also be fired in event sales_model_service_quote_submit_success.

peterjaap / removeTestDataResetEntitySeries.sql
Last active May 30, 2019 02:48
Remove orders, invoices, shipments, creditmemos, customers and quotes from Magento
# Empty relevant tables
DELETE FROM sales_flat_creditmemo;
DELETE FROM sales_flat_invoice;
DELETE FROM sales_flat_order;
DELETE FROM sales_flat_quote;
DELETE FROM sales_flat_shipment;
DELETE FROM customer_entity;
# Reset increment_ids
# Beware of store_ids when using multiple stores
insert into core_config_data (`scope`, scope_id, `path`, `value`) values('default', 0, 'dev/log/active', '1') on duplicate key update `value`='1';
insert into core_config_data (`scope`, scope_id, `path`, `value`) values('default', 0, 'admin/security/session_cookie_lifetime', '360000') on duplicate key update `value`='360000';
insert into core_config_data (`scope`, scope_id, `path`, `value`) values('default', 0, 'web/cookie/cookie_lifetime', '360000') on duplicate key update `value`='360000';
insert into core_config_data (`scope`, scope_id, `path`, `value`) values('default', 0, 'admin/security/password_is_forced', '0') on duplicate key update `value`='0';
insert into core_config_data (`scope`, scope_id, `path`, `value`) values('default', 0, 'admin/security/password_is_forced', '0') on duplicate key update `value`='0';
update core_config_data set value = '' where path like '%base_url';
update core_config_data set value = ''