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Steven Harman stevenharman

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sbellware /
Created April 17, 2019 17:52
Some useful Postgres configuration changes for a dev machine

Some useful Postgres configuration changes for a dev machine:

log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_statement = 'all'

Optionally, set log timestamps to local time

log_timezone = 'US/Central' # Or whatever your timezone is

The problem

When a MobileSafari keyboard-receing input (e.g. an input[type=text]) receives focus in Safari, the system will try to verify whether there is ample room to bring up the soft keyboard without needing to scroll. The amount of wiggle room needed for Safari to consider available scroll height "ample" seems to increase with every major iOS release (surely to work around the very real problem of focus being granted to inputs that are subsequently oscured by the keyboard).

However, for "app-ey" web sites that carefully place each text input in a relatively fixed layout, this can be a maddening arms of scooching up my content more and more with each iOS release to avoid awkward jutters every time the keyboard is shown (example video here. In practice, it seems like the input's scrollHeight can only really be about the equivalent of 15vh before you're likely to get an automated scrolling whiplash from the soft keyboard, which isn't much

<template lang='pug'>
div.drop-zone(:class='{dragging: isDragging }'
div(:class='{ hidden: uploadInProgress }' @click='openFileBrowser')
i {{label}}
input(type='file' :multiple='multiple' ref='input' style='display: none')
<template lang='pug'>
div.drop-zone(:class='{dragging: isDragging }'
div(:class='{ hidden: uploadInProgress }')
stevejenkins /
Last active November 15, 2019 17:05
IPv4/IPv6 setup script for EdgeMax EdgeOS v1.9 routers to replace the Google Fiber Network Box
# EdgeOS v1.9 Google Fiber Config Script
# by Steve Jenkins (
# Last updated: Aug 14, 2016
# Based on settings & scripts by Atlantisman, TK, and CompTech
# Script runs best if you copy and paste in sections
#______________________Basic Firewall Setup_______________________________
brandondees / authentication_token.rb
Created September 17, 2015 20:06
Stronger Authentication Tokens
# == Schema Information
# Table name: authentication_tokens
# created_at :datetime
# expires_at :datetime
# hashed_token :string(255)
# id :integer not null, primary key
# ip_address :string(255)
# updated_at :datetime

I highly suspect that the RSpec core team all use black backgrounds in their terminals because sometimes the colors aren’t so nice on my white terminal

I certainly use a black background. I'm not sure about the other RSpec core folks. Regardless, if there are some color changes we can make that would make output look good on a larger variety of backgrounds, we'll certainly consider that (do you have some suggested changes?). In the meantime, the colors are configurable, so you can change the colors to fit your preferences on your machine. First, create a file at

# Hello, and welcome to makefile basics.
# You will learn why `make` is so great, and why, despite its "weird" syntax,
# it is actually a highly expressive, efficient, and powerful way to build
# programs.
# Once you're done here, go to
# to learn SOOOO much more.
brson / gist:8da87f07d463fc4413e0
Created January 6, 2015 02:58
Fixing the mess from last night's bad .pkg
Delete this crap from /usr/local by hand: