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Seth Nickell snickell

  • Big Island, Hawaii
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snickell /
Last active April 20, 2020 23:59
Gets a reference to the current Jupyter Notebook and Server when run inside a Cell (also works for JupyterLab), can map kernel relative paths to files_urls
from pathlib import Path
import re
import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import ipykernel
from notebook.notebookapp import list_running_servers
def files_url_for(kernel_path):
_server = server()
# Use Google Cloud Platform stackdriver with python structlog
from import Client
from import _helpers
from import CloudLoggingHandler
from import _Worker
# pip install python-json-logger
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger
snickell /
Last active October 8, 2021 17:04
Script for installing python-mapnik on MacOS Catalina with Homebrew
# note: boost needs to be >= 1.73, make sure [email protected] is linked too
brew install boost boost-python3 sqlite gdal cairo [email protected]
brew upgrade boost boost-python3 sqlite gdal cairo [email protected]
brew link boost
# We're build a custom mapnik 4, uninstall the stale 3.x version in homebrew:
brew uninstall mapnik
snickell /
Last active December 12, 2020 00:56 — forked from danisla/
GKE GPU Sharing Daemonset

GPU Sharing on GKE DaemonSet

NOTE: This is not a Google supported product.

Example Usage

  1. Create a GKE cluster with a GPU node pool:
gcloud container clusters create gpu-sharing-demo --zone us-central1-c
set -xe
# First, installs an empty package that fulfills libappindicator1.equivs
# allowing signal linux to be installed on debian buster
sudo apt install equivs
set -x
[email protected]:code-dot-org/code-dot-org.git
# We use a --mirror clone because non-mirror clones were not having
# all remote refspecs updated by `git lfs migrate`, which meant
# we weren't succesfully removing the giant old tree with blobs.
git clone $REPO --mirror
# This list was generated by:
# git branch -a | grep remote | awk '{$1=$1};1' | gxargs -d'\n' sh -c 'for arg do echo "`git rev-list --count HEAD ^$arg` $arg"; done' | sort -r -k1 -n
for i in cpirich/honor-data-tables-from-project-template-level ha/refactor-survey-pipeline maker-webusb ha/show-ayw-result cpirich/expose-export-app-as-beta ha/fix-ta-eyes-test-2 ha/fix-ta-eyes-test ha/sp-test-parser ha/sp-test-e2e ha/cr-prototype max/LP-1021reusdedropdown max/LP-1021 max/dronebeforecr/LP-1021 max/drone/LP-1021 max/LP-1358 ha/cr-query-timeout ha/cr-raw-aggregated revert-35855-molly/move-render-test cforkish/assign-to-google-classroom max/LP-1481 fixprogresscrolling/LP-1481 fixgrid2/LP-1481 fixgrid/LP-1481 cforkish/LP-1518-test ha/oceans-cache cforkish/progress-data-refactor cforkish/LP-1649-move-best-result-to-backend cforkish/why-did-you-render ha/analyze-i18n-pr ha/oceans-offline-december dependabot/npm_and_yarn/aws/offsite/prune-aurora-backups/src/lodash-4.17.20 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/aws/cloudfo
gh pr list -L 57000 -s closed --json number,closedAt,mergedAt,updatedAt,url -q '.[] | select(.mergedAt == null and .updatedAt >= "2024-02-03T05:00:00Z" and .updatedAt <= "2024-02-03T06:00:00Z")' > misclosed.txt
# Add array braces and commas to make misclosed.txt a valid JSON list...
echo "[" > misclosed.json
awk 'NR > 1 { print line "," } { line = $0 } END { print line }' misclosed.txt >> misclosed.json
echo "]" >> misclosed.json
jq '.[].number' misclosed.json | while read number; do
<!doctype html>
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snickell / Gemfile
Last active August 27, 2024 14:20
Repro Firefox VM not starting on SauceLabs with selenium-webdriver 4.23.0
source ''
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '~> 4.23.0'