Author: Robert Virding (Co-inventor of Erlang)
Slides: pdf
Video: youtube
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on | |
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console |
# Dependency Management | |
## Dependency | |
* Should be exposed explicitly | |
* Should be isolated | |
* Should be exposed in an own method | |
## Interaction Between Objects/Interfaces |
Latency Comparison Numbers | |
-------------------------- | |
L1 cache reference 0.5 ns | |
Branch mispredict 5 ns | |
L2 cache reference 7 ns 14x L1 cache | |
Mutex lock/unlock 25 ns | |
Main memory reference 100 ns 20x L2 cache, 200x L1 cache | |
Compress 1K bytes with Zippy 3,000 ns | |
Send 1K bytes over 1 Gbps network 10,000 ns 0.01 ms | |
Read 4K randomly from SSD* 150,000 ns 0.15 ms |
alias dir="ls -lsha" | |
alias gs="git status" | |
alias gsv="git status -v" | |
alias gl="git log" | |
alias gc="git commit -v" | |
alias gd="git diff -v" | |
alias gp="git push -u origin" |
import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': ''}))); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()); print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation' |
-module(ring). | |
-export([start/1]). | |
-export([start_proc/2]). | |
start(Num) -> | |
start_proc(Num, self()). | |
start_proc(0, Pid) -> | |
Pid ! ok; | |
sample_blog $ padrino-gen admin | |
=> Located unlocked Gemfile for development | |
create admin | |
create admin/app.rb | |
create admin/controllers/base.rb | |
create admin/controllers/sessions.rb | |
create public/admin | |
create public/admin/stylesheets/base.css | |
create public/admin/stylesheets/themes/amro/style.css | |
create public/admin/stylesheets/themes/bec/style.css |