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Last active November 25, 2020 19:36
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QGIS macro to enable selection on referenced geometry layer from
referencing geometryless table in a Project with Relations.
How it works:
1. Enable macros for the QGIS Project
2. Paste this code in Project->Macro
3. Save the Project.
Note: The QGIS project must have relationship between tables.
See on how to create one-to-many relations.
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSettings
from qgis.utils import iface, reloadProjectMacros
from qgis.core import QgsFeatureRequest, QgsProject
from functools import partial
def openProject():
def selectionChanged(rl, fts):
referencingLayer = rl.referencingLayer()
referencedLayer = rl.referencedLayer()
ids = []
request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids(fts)
for f in referencingLayer.getFeatures(request):
rM = QgsProject.instance().relationManager()
rls = rM.relations()
for rlid, rl in rls.iteritems():
referencingLayer = rl.referencingLayer()
referencingLayer.selectionChanged.connect(partial(selectionChanged, rl))
def saveProject():
s = QSettings()
s.setValue("qgis/enableMacros", 3)
def closeProject():
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slarosa commented Apr 16, 2017

@nformica wrote:

I tested your macro on Ubuntu 16.04 (QGIS 2.18), but it does'nt work.
This is the log:
An error occurred during execution of following code:
traceback.print_exception() failed

when it is occurring? saving the project or anywhere you try to select a row?

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ghost commented Apr 16, 2017

Just when I open the project !
Then, when I select a row nothing happens: no error alert and no features selection.

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slarosa commented Apr 16, 2017

@nformica that is odd. That method should be called on saving the project. You just try to replace reloadProjectMacros() with pass. That code actually is not working as expected.

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ghost commented Apr 17, 2017

I tried "to replace reloadProjectMacros() with pass", but problem is the same.
This is message on Log panel (Python):
evalString()) error!
SystemError: NULL object passed to Py_BuildValue

Peraphs qgis-python module is'nt good !? ... Should I try to reinstall it?

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slarosa commented Apr 18, 2017

@nformica, I managed to test the macro on Ubuntu-16.04 (64bit) QGIS 2.18.6 and has worked fine for me. So, the error you are getting could be a local problem.
Also, you could test if the following code work fine for you in python console:

from qgis.utils import reloadProjectMacros

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