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Michael Shilman shilman

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shilman /
Last active June 22, 2017 22:41
Storybook Release Proposal

Storybook Release Proposal

A Storybook release process based on Semver. In short:

  1. merge bugfix PRs directly into master automatically release (~daily)
  2. merge feature and breaking PRs into a release branch (e.g. release/3.2) and release features in groups along with a marketing push after a preview period (~monthly)


During the Storybook 3.x transition we've undergone a series of growing pains as we've opened up the development process. We've had questions about:

shilman /
Created June 25, 2017 23:20
Versioned Docs

Versioned Documentation for Storybook


  • Docs for the latest stable release of Storybook, statically hosted at
  • Docs for a preview release, clearly labeled as preview with disclaimers and pointers to the main docs
  • Docs for previous minor releases of Storybook, with disclaimers and pointers to the main docs


Patterned off of Meteor docs site (source)

shilman /
Last active April 17, 2019 00:15
Storybook 3.2-alpha Feedback

Storybook 3.2-alpha Feedback

We're rolling out a few big features in Storybook 3.2 and need your feedback:

  • Vue support
  • Story hierarchy

DISCLAIMERS: Our release process is for getting new features into your hands early to stabilize things. API's may change before full release!

FEEDBACK: To give feedback on a feature comment on the open issue linked below, and be sure to include the version you're using. To give feedback on the release, feel free to comment on this gist, or come chat with us on slack.

shilman /
Last active April 12, 2018 13:39
withX strawman

WithX API proposal

Today's type system

type story = (context) => renderable
type decorator = (story, context) => renderable

For example:

shilman /
Last active January 5, 2018 18:22
Storybook Revised Release Proposal

Storybook Release Proposal v2

A Storybook release proposal that combines Semver with marketing considerations. In short:

  1. multiple major versions per year
  2. blog post for each major version


Earlier this year I proposed a release strategy that attempted to reduce major versions. We've been running with that strategy for six months and have released 3.0, 3.2, and 3.3 this way, but continue to get pushback on adhering to Semver. This proposal attempts to address those concerns and is inspired by Jest's versioning.

shilman /
Last active March 6, 2018 06:42
Storybook Roadmap Meeting 5

Storybook Roadmap Meeting 5

attendees: @danielduan, @tmeasday, @shilman, @ndelangen

Release 3.4

  • feature freeze by @Hypnosphi
  • 3.4 alpha out today @shilman
  • 3.4 RC out this week @shilman
  • letter to our medium followers, tweet for testing
shilman /
Created May 23, 2018 21:02
Storybook Roadmap 2018-05-24

Storybook Roadmap 2018-05-24

Some topics for tomorrow's meeting

  • Project update
    • New contributions
    • Stats
  • 4.0 Release
    • blocking
  • schedule
shilman / Storybook Roadmap Notes
Last active May 24, 2018 20:17
Storybook Roadmap Notes 2018-05-24
shilman /
Last active October 11, 2018 00:43
Publishing a test package

Wwhat I did to manually test some breaking changes to @storybook/cli by publishing a test-tagged package to NPM.

Publish package:

yarn bootstrap --reset --core
cd lib/cli
# edit package.json version: 4.0.0-alpha.24 => 4.0.0-test.25
npm publish --tag test --access public