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salim-b / export_plotly2SVG.R
Last active October 19, 2022 16:20
R function to export Plotly graphs as static SVG (and optionally PDF and PNG) images.
# Remarks:
# The export is done using the automated testing framework [Selenium](https://
# which results in opening a browser window
# (Google Chrome) that might has to be closed by hand. Other than Plotly's
# own `export()` function this one also allows to set the `width` and `height`
# of the exported plot (in the former it's hardcoded to 800x600 pixels). If
# `incl_PDF_copy`/`incl_PNG_copy` is set to `TRUE`, the exported SVG additionally
# gets converted to a PDF/PNG using the R package [`rsvg`](
# jeroen/rsvg/tree/40576ac326621b40224db344b09158f4ff717433) which relies on
salim-b /
Created May 5, 2021 15:09
GitHub workflow