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ryan jarvinen ryanj

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paulirish / data-markdown.user.js
Last active October 22, 2024 14:19
*[data-markdown] - use markdown, sometimes, in your HTML
// ==UserScript==
// @name Use Markdown, sometimes, in your HTML.
// @author Paul Irish <>
// @link
// @match *
// ==/UserScript==
// If you're not using this as a userscript just delete from this line up. It's cool, homey.
ryanj /
Created July 17, 2012 23:53
Eventbrite - convert a repeating event to an Organizer Schedule
import eventbrite
your_app_key = 'YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE'
your_user_key = 'YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE'
repeating_event_eid = 3919635736
eb_client = eventbrite.EventbriteClient({'app_key': your_app_key, 'user_key': your_user_key})
def convert_repeat_to_organizer_schedule(evnt):
#clear existing repeat_schedule
eb_client.event_update({'id': evnt['id'], 'repeat_schedule': 'clear'})
brianleroux /
Created September 8, 2012 19:37
I asked about web based diagramming tools on twitter. Ppl answered!
aedoran / test.js
Created September 24, 2012 22:43
zombie concurrency test script
var Browser = require("zombie"),
program = require("commander");
.option('-l, --location <string>', 'location:port')
.option('-u, --username <string>', 'username')
.option('-p, --password <string>', 'password')
.option('-c, --concurrencies <integer>', 'number of browsers you want')
andrewxhill / index.html
Last active December 10, 2015 15:38
Simple CartoDB + D3 earthquake example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>Easy earthquakes</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
matb33 / aws-sdk.js
Created April 12, 2013 19:09
AWS SDK Smart Package -- Exposes the SDK as AWS.SDK and provides a helper function to sign URLs
AWS = (function () {
var SDK = Npm.require("aws-sdk");
var crypto = Npm.require("crypto");
var url = Npm.require("url");
function getAuthenticatedURL(fullUrl, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, expires) {
Signature = URL-Encode( Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) );
mikeal / gist:6685843
Last active December 23, 2015 19:58
Response to comments by Issac Roth of StrongLoop

This is rather out of date and we've all moved past it. Me and Issac are cool now.


mikeal / gist:7835772
Last active December 30, 2015 13:29
Libertarianism, Meritocracy and Equality


Libertarianism when applied to the social and political structure of technology and open source (Meritocracy) perpetuates inequality by failing to acknowledge the role of power and current state of inequality.

Long Version

American libertarianism is uniquely American, unfortunately Silicon Valley happens to be in America. It is a political and social philosophy that believes individual ownership and power should supplant collective ownership of any kind. Most immediately the ownership and interventionist powers of government should be dismantled and the free market should be left with the responsibility of creating equality and individuals expected to protect their own interests.

Filtered through the lens of technology this becomes a more unified theory of Meritocracy. Being that we don't trade goods for currency we don't have a traditional market and libertarians must invent one. A strange mix of experience, social capital, and skill are a sort of currency in technology communities. Merit

mikeal / gist:8150724
Created December 27, 2013 18:25
CouchDB attachments manta thread
let's talk here, we have commments with mor ethan 140 characters!
# in your .bash_profile / .bashrc
alias pushit='git push && open'
# to get the file into your .bash_profile
echo "alias pushit='git push && open'" >> .bash_profile