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protrolium /
Last active August 23, 2017 00:05 — forked from kylemcdonald/
How to build Caffe for OS X.

Theory of Building Caffe on OS X

(with addendums, tangents, and other follies)


I have followed Kyle McDonald's Theory of Building Caffe after what could be described as some careless brew updates and obliviousness to the conflicts between various versions of OS X, CUDA, CUDA drivers, CuDNN, and Caffe itself. I am replicating Kyle's steps here and adding a few more which were unique to my case and may not necessarily work for everyone. The goal is to run python -c "import caffe" without crashing.

Official Caffe OS X Installation Guide

protrolium /
Created February 1, 2023 16:42 — forked from scottopell/
Fix corrupted exFAT disk macOS/OSX

exFAT support on macOS seems to have some bugs because my external drives with exFAT formatting will randomly get corrupted.

Disk Utility is unable to repair this at first, but the fix is this:

  1. Use diskutil list to find the right drive id.
  2. You want the id under the IDENTIFIER column, it should look like disk1s1
  3. Run sudo fsck_exfat -d <id from above>. eg sudo fsck_exfat -d disk1s3
  4. -d is debug so you'll see all your files output as they're processed.
  5. Answer YES if it gives you the prompt Main boot region needs to be updated. Yes/No?