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Rasmus Fløe phloe

View GitHub Profile
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.dredition .dredition-desktop-style-100-40 .dredition-item-image, .dredition .dredition-desktop-style-50-40 .dredition-item-image, .dredition .dredition-desktop-style-33-40 .dredition-item-image, .dredition .dredition-desktop-style-66-40 .dredition-item-image {
min-width: 200px;
flex: 1 0 calc((0.38197 * 100%) - 20px);
.dredition .dredition-item .dredition-item-header {
flex: 1 0 calc((0.61803 * 100%) - 20px);

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rasmusfl0e on github.
  • I am rasmusfl0e ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDsAUrlKDKsRp5uwjRwQbbS0DJGdS4Hb_pTzxjB9IgCmgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

import URL from "url-parse";
import ratioHelper from "./ratioHelper";
import { quantize, interpolate, normalize, clamp } from "./math";
var dprMin = 1; // min dpr to get highest quality
var dprMax = 2; // max dpr to get lowest quality
var dprRanges = [
min: 3,
slayout: 10px 4 / 4 2 2,
(min-width: 640px) 20px 12 / 6 (+3) 3 (-3) 3;
"articleHits": 25,
"totalHits": "25",
"articles": [
"origId": "5f9a0b76-8621-4605-a232-355082314ce2",
"imageId": null,
"title": "Dansk og svensk forsvar vil samarbejde",
"tags": [

Proper separation of concerns

Let's say you need to add a button to a subscription form.

The naive pee-your-pants way

<button style="background-color: red; width: 200px;">Subscribe</button>
phloe / dr-battle-snippet.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Snippet to get live data from ESC DR Battle
(function (global, doc) {
// expose a function to recieve data via JSONP
global.getBattle = function getBattle (data) {
// calculate ranks of songs. ("questions" are songs)
var rankedData = rankData(data.reply.battle.questions);
// make the data more readable...
var sanetizedData = sanetizeData(rankedData);
// do stuff with sanetizedData here...

A nice clean example of the revamped picture proposal:

		<source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large-1.jpg, large-2.jpg 2x">
		<source media="(min-width: 18em)" srcset="med-1.jpg, med-2.jpg 2x">
		<source srcset="small-1.jpg, small-2.jpg 2x">
		<img src="small-1.jpg" alt="" width="200" height="200">
phloe / drhtml.html
Last active December 30, 2015 00:09
<dr-section headline="Prioriterede nyheder" muteheading>
<dr-layout span="12">
<dr-layoutcolumn span="8">
<dr-teaser span="8" imagespan="8" model="" />
<dr-layoutcolumn span="4">
<dr-teaser span="4" imagespan="4" model="" />
<dr-teaser span="4" imagespan="4" model="" />
phloe /
Last active December 24, 2015 01:59
Responsive image syntax through a "srcoptions" attribute


<img src="/path/to/foo-320w-240h-1x.jpg" width="320" height="240"
    320w 480w 640w, 1x 1.33x 2x, webp jpg"/>
  • DRY - Expose url pattern and avaliable options for images - not full urls - in markup. Browser picks best options - builds url.
  • Responsive images need CSS to get layout. Browser preloading is a pre-RWD optimization. Preloading doesn't make sense with upcoming postpone and lazyload attributes anyway.
  • Client Hints can't be used exclusively. Has server requirement and needs alt. way of handling CH - anyway - when server req. can't be met.