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Created July 31, 2018 20:14
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//jshint esversion: 6
//TODO: somehow reload/redraw the Channels object, for seamless patching
//TODO: find Channels prototype without it being added to the DOM, also for seamless patching
var lazyload_patcher = function() {
this.pluginName = 'LazyLoad Patcher';
this.getName = function() {return this.pluginName;};
this.getDescription = function() {return 'LazyLoad Patcher - Patches Discord\'s lazy loading to allow for themes that modify channel and section heights. Credits to noodlebox#0155, Mydayyy#0344 and Kakkela#6315';};
this.getVersion = function() {return '1.4.0';};
this.getAuthor = function() {return 'HoLLy#2750';};
this.patches = [
{selector: ".scroller-2v3d_F", funcName: "getRowHeight", patchFunction: function(selector, funcName) {this.patchRowHeight(selector, funcName)}.bind(this)},
{selector: ".scroller-2v3d_F", funcName: "getSectionHeight", patchFunction: function(selector, funcName) {this.patchSectionHeight(selector, funcName)}.bind(this)}
var ctr = 0;
this.load = function() {
this.start = function() {
//if we start up to the friends page, channels won't be loaded
if (location.pathname.startsWith('/channels/@me')) {
//so, we run our patching code once, when we click a guild icon
$('.guild').has('.avatar-small').on('click.llpPatcher', () => {
//run after 1000ms, to make sure it is loaded
setTimeout(() => this.doChatPatch(), 1000);
} else {
setTimeout(() => this.doChatPatch(), 1000);
this.stop = function() { this.Log("Stopped"); };
this.unload = function(){ this.Log("Unloaded"); };
this.onMessage = function() {};
this.onSwitch = function() {
if (location.pathname.startsWith('/channels/@me')) {
ctr = 1;
} else {
if ($('.containerDefault-3GGEv_').height() == null && ctr > 0 ) {
setTimeout(() => this.doChatPatch(), 1000);
ctr = 1;
} else {
if ($('.containerDefault-3GGEv_').height() !== null && ctr > 0 ) {
setTimeout(() => this.doChatPatch(), 1000);
ctr = 0;
} else {
}; = function(e) {};
this.doChatPatch = function() {
//this.Log('in doChatPatch right now, this is ' +;
for (var i = 0; i < this.patches.length; i++) {
var patch = this.patches[i];
this.patchSomething(patch.selector, patch.funcName, patch.patchFunction);
this.Log('finished doChatPatch');
this.patchSomething = function(selector, funcName, patchFunction) {
try {
patchFunction(selector, funcName);
this.Log("Patched " + funcName);
} catch(err) {
//something went wrong. I should make this more verbose
this.Log("Failed to patch " + funcName + ": " + err.message, "error");
this.Log = function(msg, method = "log") {
console[method]("%c[" + this.pluginName + "]%c " + msg, "color: #DABEEF; font-weight: bold;", "");
this.patchRowHeight = function(selector, funcName) {
//get stuff, make stuff
var instList = $(selector);
if (instList.length === 0) throw "Could not find selector.";
var newVar = $('.containerDefault-1ZnADq').height();
var patchedFunc = function() {return newVar;};
const getInternalInstance = e => e[Object.keys(e).find(k => k.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance"))];
var inst = getInternalInstance(instList[0]);
inst._currentElement._owner._currentElement._owner._currentElement._owner._instance.getRowHeight = patchedFunc;
this.patchSectionHeight = function(selector, funcName) {
//get stuff, make stuff
var instList = $(selector);
if (instList.length === 0) throw "Could not find selector.";
var newVar2 = 0 ;
var patchedFunc = function() {return newVar2;};
const getInternalInstance = e => e[Object.keys(e).find(k => k.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance"))];
var inst = getInternalInstance(instList[0]);
inst._currentElement._owner._currentElement._owner._currentElement._owner._instance.getSectionHeight = patchedFunc;
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