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Working from home

Alex oivoodoo

Working from home
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vangberg / README
Created February 22, 2009 01:06
Deploying a Sinatra app to Heroku
# Deploying a Sinatra app to Heroku
## Database
The location of the database Heroku provides can be found in the environment
variable DATABASE_URL. Check the configure-block of toodeloo.rb for an example
on how to use this.
## Server
Heroku is serving your apps with thin, with means you have all your thin goodness available,
such as EventMachine.
zhengjia / capybara cheat sheet
Created June 7, 2010 01:35
capybara cheat sheet
=Clicking links and buttons=
click_link('Link Text')
click('Link Text') # Click either a link or a button
click('Button Value')
LOCALE_1 = "~/Code/project/config/locales/fi.yml"
LOCALE_2 = "~/Code/project/config/locales/en.yml"
require 'yaml'
def flatten_keys(hash, prefix="")
keys = []
hash.keys.each do |key|
if hash[key].is_a? Hash
current_prefix = prefix + "#{key}."
juliocesar /
Created October 21, 2010 23:51
Testing front-end for a Sinatra app with RSpec and Capybara

Testing front-end for a Sinatra app with RSpec and Capybara

I've used Cucumber quite a bit on my last job. It's an excellent tool, and I believe readable tests are the way to the future. But I could never get around to write effective scenarios, or maintain the boatload of text that the suite becomes once you get to a point where you have decent coverage. On top of that, it didn't seem to take much for the suite to become really slow as tests were added.

A while ago I've seen a gist by Lachie Cox where he shows how to use RSpec and Capybara to do front-end tests. That sounded perfect for me. I love RSpec, I can write my own matchers when I need them with little code, and it reads damn nicely.

So for my Rails Rumble 2010 project, as usual, I rolled a Sinatra app and figured I should give the idea a shot. Below are my findings.


massive / locale_diff.rb
Created November 29, 2010 13:51
Compares two YAML locale files and displays the difference
# Run: curl | ruby - en fi
require 'rubygems'
require 'yaml'
l1 = ARGV[0]
l2 = ARGV[1]
first = YAML.load_file(l1 + ".yml")
second = YAML.load_file(l2 + ".yml")
def diff(root, compared, structure = [])
jferris / composite_view.js
Created April 29, 2011 15:58
Cleaning up views as you leave them in Backbone
CompositeView = function(options) {
this.children = [];
Backbone.View.apply(this, [options]);
_.extend(CompositeView.prototype, Backbone.View.prototype, {
leave: function() {
jondkinney /
Created May 6, 2011 07:54 — forked from napcs/
Deploying Rails to Linode

Deploying Rails to Linode

Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition, Apache, MySQL, and Passenger for deploying Rails 3.0 applications.

Get a Linode, and set it up with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS so that you have till April 2013 to get updates. Once the Linode is formatted, boot it and continue on.

Set up an 'A' record in your DNS, pointing to the IP of your Linode. I'm using here.

Initial setup

imathis / gist:1104557
Created July 25, 2011 16:49
FIX for Lion's posix_spawn_ext.bundle: [BUG] Segmentation fault

The segfault problem with posix_spawn is indeed caused by Lion's compiler being LLVM and not GCC by default. However, when I installed RVM, the notes suggested that on Lion you need to add export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 to your shell startup file (.bashrc or .zshrc as appropriate). I did that, but it seems that's what caused problems: while ruby 1.9.2 needs you to use GCC to install it, using the same compiler for the gems apparently causes breakage.

First, you need to install XCode 4.x, which is now a free (though hefty!) download from the Mac App Store. Without that, you have no gcc, so you won't get anywhere ;-)

Next, what you need to do is clear out your rvm ruby and the associated gems (make sure you are cd'd into your octopress repository then do:

rvm remove ruby-1.9.2 --gems --archive

which will clear everything out so that you can start from scratch. Obviously, if you have other stuff you've installed for other purposes using RVM, be careful with this. If you previously had the export CC li

jnx /
Created October 1, 2011 20:09
rbenv install and system wide install on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
# Update, upgrade and install development tools:
apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get -y install build-essential
apt-get -y install git-core
# Install rbenv
git clone git:// /usr/local/rbenv
# Add rbenv to the path:
BenHall / bootstrap.jade
Created November 22, 2011 18:36
Twitter Bootstrap in Jade
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/bootstrap-overrides.css')