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Nikhita Raghunath nikhita

View GitHub Profile
nikhita /
Created December 2, 2015 14:24 — forked from nicknisi/
A collection of JavaScript projects with issues labeled beginner-friendly
nikhita / c++Template-Codejam.cpp
Created March 11, 2016 13:41 — forked from kodekracker/c++Template-Codejam.cpp
Basic C++ Template for Google Code Jam or File I/O Competitive Programming
* Note: This template uses some c++11 functions , so you have to compile it with c++11 flag.
* Example:- $ g++ -std=c++11 c++Template-Codejam.cpp
* Author : Akshay Pratap Singh
* Handle: code_crack_01
/******** All Required Header Files ********/
nikhita /
Last active May 26, 2017 11:03
Kubernetes TPR watch example

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am nikhita on github.
  • I am nikhita ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBiFn0btDxvOOjNeEr2R3c_TL5hRFmzYgz-JQJ3gccd9go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

nikhita /
Created April 24, 2017 17:32
How to install FiraCode font on Linux
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
for type in Bold Light Medium Regular Retina; do wget -O ~/.local/share/fonts/FiraCode-$type.ttf "$type.ttf?raw=true"; done
fc-cache -f
nikhita /
Created April 24, 2017 18:38
A script to show how long a command took to run. Outputs the time on the right.
function preexec() {
function precmd() {
if [ $timer ]; then
timer_show=$(($SECONDS - $timer))
export RPROMPT="%F{cyan}${timer_show}s %{$reset_color%}"
unset timer
nikhita /
Last active May 26, 2017 11:02
Benchmarks for go json schema libraries (validation). Using the standard json schema libraries.


BenchmarkOpenAPI-4        	    5000	    240116 ns/op	   71790 B/op	     649 allocs/op
BenchmarkGoJSONSchema-4   	    5000	    314191 ns/op	   66629 B/op	     965 allocs/op
nikhita /
Last active December 4, 2024 12:13
How to update the Go version

How to update the Go version

System: Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora. Might work for others as well.

1. Uninstall the exisiting version

As mentioned here, to update a go version you will first need to uninstall the original version.

To uninstall, delete the /usr/local/go directory by:

E0525 14:11:00.846457 8170 runtime.go:66] Observed a panic: "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" (runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)
nikhita /
Created June 19, 2017 19:00 — forked from robertpainsi/
How to reopen a pull-request after a force-push?

You need the rights to reopen pull requests on the repository.

  1. Write down the current commit hash of your PR-branch git log --oneline -1 <PR-BRANCH>
  2. Write down the latest commit hash on github before the PR has been closed.
  3. git push -f origin <GITHUB-HASH-FROM-STEP-2>:<PR-BRANCH>
  4. Reopen the PR.
  5. git push -f origin <HASH-FROM-STEP-1>:<PR-BRANCH>


You've a PR branch my-feature currently at 1234567. Looking at the the PRs page, we see that the PR was closed when my-feature pointed at 0abcdef.