- Show the battery percentage (System Settings > Control Centre > Battery)
- Show all filename extensions on Finder (Finder > Settings > Advanced)
- Show Path Bar on Finder (Finder > View)
- Install KeePassXC to manage credentials
- Install Google Drive to sync important files such as KeePass file
- Install Google Chrome
- Install AlDente to limit maximum charging percentage
- Show App Switcher (cmd+TAB) on all displays
defaults write com.apple.Dock appswitcher-all-displays -bool true
killall Dock
- ref: https://superuser.com/questions/670252/cmdtab-app-switcher-is-on-the-wrong-monitor
- Automatically hide and show the Dock (Settings > Desktop & Dock > Dock settings)
- This allows Mac to show the Dock on each display
- Disable the Dictation shortcut (System Settings > Keyboard > Dectation > Shortcut)
- Install Scroll Reverser to reverse the scroll order only with the mouse
- Install Karabiner-Elements and Windows-like Karabiner-Elements Configuration to use Windows/Linux-like key bindings
- Run
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
on the terminal to enable key-repeating - Set
Key Rpeat Rate
andDelay Until Repeat
as fast/short as possible in Systems SettingsInitialKeyRepeat
doesn't need to be set via the terminal as the shortest time available on system preferences is good enough
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission Control
- Mission Control: Option + Up Arrow
- Application windows: Option + Down Arrow
- Mission Control, Move left a space: Option + Left Arrow
- Mission Control, Move right a space: Option + Right Arrow
- By default, they use Control but it does not function well with Windows/Linux-like key bindings set up above
- Run
chsh -s /bin/bash
to set the login shell to Bash - Install Homebrew
- Install iTerm2
- Enable clipboard access Settings (Preferences) > General > Selection > Applications
- For better visibility, go to Settings (Preferences) > Profiles > Colors, then
- Choose "Pastel (Dark Background)" for a colour preset
- Unselect "Brighten bold text"
- Set "Minimum Contrast" to 30%
- Build Vim via Homebrew
brew install vim
- Generate a new SSH key for GitHub following the official instructions
- Add the following settings to
- Add the following settings to
Host github.com
User git
Hostname github.com
Identityfile ~/.ssh/github/id_ed25519
- Generate a GPG key for GitHub following the official instructions
- Install the dotfiles and those dependencies (follow README)