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Nathan Youngman nathany

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nathany / gist:175670
Created August 26, 2009 17:46
pivot table example in SQL Server 2005
select PT.FacID, f1.FacName, [1] as QtyAlloc, [-1] as QtyUsed, [1] + [-1] as QtyRemain
select f1.FacID, sign(f1.Quantity) as Sgn, f1.Quantity
from FacCredits f1
) as q1
for q1.Sgn in ([1], [-1])
/* Pure CSS tool tips from CSS Mastery, originally by Eric Meyer? With fix for IE, see below */
a.tooltip {
position: relative;
a.tooltip span {
display: none;
nathany / gist:190435
Created September 21, 2009 18:33
based on hello from Stuart Halloway's book
;; reference to a set (unique) visitors
(def visitors (ref #{}))
(defn hello
"Writes hello message to *out*. Calls you by username.
Knows if you have been here before."
([] (hello "world")) ; with no arguments
;; deref visitors, call username to see if it's there
nathany / gist:190489
Created September 21, 2009 19:20
index-of-any, based on Stuart Halloway's Programming Clojure book, but with attempts in Python and Ruby (of course regex would be another, string-only, option)
// Returns the index of the first character contained in searchChars
// From Apache Commons Lang,
public static int indexOfAny(String str, char[] searchChars) {
if (isEmpty(str) || ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchChars)) {
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
char ch = str.charAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < searchChars.length; j++) {
if (searchChars[j] == ch) {
nathany / landing.rb
Created October 12, 2009 00:04
Heroku is great to host single-page "sites" for all those domains I'm not using.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
Domains = %w{gemsmith vogsphere youngman seraph intercessory cyaonline significantwhitespace 14159265358979}
DefaultDomain = 'default'
# what domain does the host contain?
# put this here because helpers are a pain to test!
def view_for_domain(host)
nathany / gist:211991
Created October 16, 2009 19:17 — forked from kylefox/gist:211989
Git prompt for Bash
# Shows the [branch], and an * if there are uncommitted changes. Example:
# ~/projects/my_project[master*]:
function parse_git_dirty {
[[ $(git status 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" ]] && echo "*"
function parse_git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e "s/* \(.*\)/[\1$(parse_git_dirty)]/"
nathany / edit.html.haml
Created December 3, 2009 17:13
starting on some RJS-like helpers for jQuery and CKEditor
- javascript_tag do
= after_ready do
= add_ckeditor_plugins(:snippet)
nathany / show SQL in irb console
Created March 11, 2010 17:31
Rails SQL logging from console
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_set :@logger,
nathany /
Created March 30, 2010 19:40
benchmark Pygments from Python
# benchmark Pygments from Python
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import RubyLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
import timeit
# run it once to initialize
function decodeToken(stoken, crypt_key) {
token_bytes = BinaryDecode(URLDecode(stoken), "base64");
Arrays = CreateObject("java", "java.util.Arrays");
iv = Arrays.copyOf(token_bytes, 16);
crypted = Arrays.copyOfRange(token_bytes, 16, ArrayLen(token_bytes));
decoded_token = DecryptBinary(crypted, crypt_key, "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", iv);
return ToString(decoded_token);