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Last active November 12, 2024 17:43
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Drizzle Zod Inserts & Selects from Schema Generator

Drizzle + Zod Helpers

If you want a really nice API for your drizzle PG tables from Zod, such as:

import { inserts, select, enums } from './drizzle-zod-helpers'

const userType = enums.UserType.parse('admin')

// construct a type-safe insert
const userInsert = inserts.user.parse({

const userSelect = selects.user.parse({

// construct type-safe insert functions
async function createUser(user: Zod.infer<typeof inserts.user>) {
  return await db.insert(schema.users).values(user).execute()


Be sure to install drizzle-zod (and zod)

yarn add drizzle-zod zod

Next, copy the TypeScript file from this Gist into your repo. Be sure to change the first line to point to your schema file.

import * as schema from './schema' // make this point to your schema file
import { PgEnum, PgTableWithColumns } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'
import { createInsertSchema, createSelectSchema } from 'drizzle-zod'
import { z } from 'zod'
type ExtractPgTableKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends PgTableWithColumns<any> ? K : never
}[keyof T]
export const selects = Object.fromEntries(
.map(([key, table]) =>
'$inferSelect' in table
? [
createSelectSchema(table as any)
.describe(`Fields for ${key}.`),
: null
.filter(Boolean) as any
) as {
[key in ExtractPgTableKeys<typeof schema>]: ReturnType<
typeof createSelectSchema<(typeof schema)[key]>
export const inserts = Object.fromEntries(
.map(([key, table]) =>
'$inferInsert' in table
? [
createInsertSchema(table as any)
.describe(`Insert for ${key}.`)
: null
.filter(Boolean) as any
) as {
[key in ExtractPgTableKeys<typeof schema>]: ReturnType<
typeof createInsertSchema<(typeof schema)[key]>
export const enums = Object.fromEntries(
.map(([key, enums]) => ('enumValues' in enums ? [key, z.enum(enums.enumValues)] : null))
.filter(Boolean) as any
) as {
[key in ExtractPgEnumKeys<typeof schema>]: Zod.ZodEnum<(typeof schema)[key]['enumValues']>
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