Awesome Android Complete Reference
A collection of awesome gists. Feel free to contribute.
All databases are welcome :)
- Pub/sub with MongoDB and Node.js
- Create super user and database user in Mongo 2.6
- Basic Overview of using the rmongodb package for R.
- MongoDB and F#
- Flynn MongoDB
- MongoDB ReplicaSet Backup Script on Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage
- Prettied up some AWS Ruby SDK DynamoDB examples from @integralist.
- convert DynamoDb JSON to regular JSON javascript objects
Most used services to deploy, and host your applications.
- Using Rails+Bower on Heroku
- My Heroku Values
- Rakefile to deploy and rollback to Heroku in two different environments for the same app
- Heroku, Ruby on Rails and PhantomJS
- publish a message to Amazon SNS using python or ruby
- Auto-deploy with php and github on an Ubuntu Amazon EC2 box
- Install Redis on Amazon EC2 AMI
- Backup MySQL to Amazon S3
- Mapnik on Amazon Linux AMI (Fedora)
- Automatically update your CloudFlare DNS record to the IP, Dynamic DNS
- CloudFlare DNS records updater
- CloudFlare command-line DNS management shell script
Parsers, files with data collections and more.
Parsers, files with data collections and more.
- Python Read JSON from HTTP Request of URL
- Python JSON Benchmark
- Fast SQLAlchemy counting (avoid query.count() subquery)
- example of using JWT for http authentication in go
- extract a javascript object value from a html page using goquery and otto
- Parse a JSON http POST in GoLang
- Golang Reflection Example
- Mongo Driver - Mgo Example
- Example of using http.Get in go (golang)
- Go Serverless List
Environment configurations and tutorials
- Vagrant Tutorial
- Tutorial for running Meteor in Windows using Vagrant
- Vagrant Provisioning Script for PHP applications. This installs a LAMP stack.
- Golang 1.4.1 setup in Mac OSX with HomeBrew.
Tips to improve your osx
- Objective-C Coding Convention and Best Practices
- Generate a random color (UIColor) in Objective-C
- Objective-C Entity System
- Objective-C Language Enhancements
- Objective-C Literals, part 2 support files
- Quicksort in Swift
- GraphQL data structure implemented in Swift
- Alamofire and RxSwift
- Elegant dequeueing of UITableViewCell
- Elegant enum for custom colors worked on both iOS and macOS
- Mindorks
- Trinea
- Daimajia
- Stormzhang
- Android Weekly
- Codekk
- Android dev tools
- Devmaze
- Android Developer
- Android Arsenal
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.