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Matthew Newton mnewt

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mnewt / gist:2860939
Created June 3, 2012 01:52
git reference
#set up git on project directorygit init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
#set up remote push
git remote add origin [email protected]:mattnewton/app_name.git
git push origin master
#initial heroku setup
#download and install heroku toolbelt
mnewt / gist:2860940
Created June 3, 2012 01:52
mac rails dev install
#install xcode
#install xcode command line tools (from Xcode preferences)
#install osx-gcc-installer
#install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(/usr/bin/curl -fsSL"
#install rvm
bash -s stable < <(curl -s
source /Users/matt/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm requirements
brew install libksba
mnewt / dabblet.css
Created August 13, 2012 21:32
Title box overlap mirror
* Title box overlap mirror
.title {
position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 25px; }
.content-box {
position: relative; left: 50px; top: 50px;
mnewt /
Created September 13, 2012 20:00
trivial command to toggle Mac OS X SOCKS proxy
if [[ $1 == "on" ]]; then
sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "$PROXY_INTERFACE" $PROXY_HOST $PROXY_PORT
echo "SOCKS proxy enabled"
mnewt / walk.js
Created October 23, 2012 04:45
walk the dom
// Define a walk_the_DOM function that visits every
// node of the tree in HTML source order, starting
// from some given node. It invokes a function,
// passing it each node in turn. walk_the_DOM calls
// itself to process each of the child nodes.
var walk_the_DOM = function walk(node, func) {
node = node.firstChild;
while (node) {
walk(node, func);
mnewt / Gemfile
Created October 26, 2012 15:25 — forked from rafaelss/Gemfile
rack static site
source ""
gem 'rack-contrib', :git => 'git://'
gem 'rack-rewrite'
mnewt / gist:4033768
Created November 7, 2012 19:20 — forked from lucasfais/gist:1207002
Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌘T go to file
⌘⌃P go to project
⌘R go to methods
⌃G go to line
⌘KB toggle side bar
⌘⇧P command prompt
mnewt / mac-database.txt
Created November 7, 2012 22:11
mac address lookup script
# $Id$ generated with
# Original data comes from
# These values are known as Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUIs)
# See
# We have added a few unregistered OUIs at the end.
000000 Xerox
000001 Xerox
000002 Xerox
000003 Xerox
000004 Xerox
mnewt / bootstrap-tabs.html
Created December 6, 2012 20:28
bootstrap tabs example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Le styles -->
<link href="../bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
mnewt /
Created December 6, 2012 20:34
load python modules from directory
## {{{ (r2)
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - From a directory name:
1: append the directory to the sys.path
2: find all modules within that directory
3: import all modules within that directory
4: filter out built in methods from those modules