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Last active October 3, 2017 17:23
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* Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
var exec = require('child_process').execSync,
glob = require('glob'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
fst = require('../tools/fs-tools.js'),
csv = require("fast-csv"),
cheerio = require('cheerio'),
json2csv = require('json2csv'),
csv2json = require('csv2json'),
request = require("request"),
_ = require('underscore')._,
Converter = require("csvtojson").Converter,
async = require("async"),
redis = require("redis"),
cache = redis.createClient(),
processLogging =false,
log = grunt.log.write,
ok = grunt.log.ok,
error = grunt.log.error;
grunt.option('stack', true);
var formatCurrency = function (amount)
var i = parseFloat(amount);
if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
var minus = '';
if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
i = Math.abs(i);
i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
i = i / 100;
var s = new String(i);
if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
s = minus + s;
return s;
var buildDemandData = function () {
var dataFile = glob.sync('dev/tools/grunt/data/source/demand/carsforsale/list.html')[0],
demandList = fst.getData(dataFile),
html = fs.readFileSync('dev/tools/grunt/data/source/demand/carsforsale/list.html'),
$ = cheerio.load(html),
fields = ['rank', 'vehicle', 'view','inventory', 'ratio', 'region_price','national_price'],
$("#contentContainer > div.demand").each(function( index ) {
var rankStr = $(this).find('.col-sm-2 > p ').text().trim();
var rank = rankStr.substring( 0 , rankStr.indexOf (' of ') );
var vehicle = $(this).find('.col-sm-3 > p ').text().trim();
var view = $(this).find('div:nth-child(3) > p ').text().trim();
var inventory = $(this).find('div:nth-child(4) > .v-align > a ').text().trim();
var ratio = $(this).find('div:nth-child(5) > p ').text().trim();
var region_price = $(this).find('div:nth-child(6) > .v-align > a:nth-child(2) ').text().trim().replace('Region: ','');
var national_price = $(this).find('div:nth-child(6) > .v-align > a:nth-child(3) ').text().trim().replace('National: ','');
var row = { rank:rank ,
vehicle: vehicle,
view: view ,
inventory: inventory,
ratio: ratio,
national_price: national_price
//console.log (row);
data.push (row);
return {data: data, fields:fields};
var getManheimMMR = function (vin) {
/// TBD
var getRunListFile = function (runListDate){
return 'dev/tools/grunt/data/run-lists/' + runListDate + '/list.csv';
var getDemandDataFile = function (runListDate){
return 'dev/tools/grunt/data/source/demand/carsforsale/list.csv';
var loadDemanData_array = function (callback) {
var converter = new Converter({});
var searchDemand = function (vehicle, demandList) {
function textMatch(text, searchWords){
function trimByWord(sentence) {
sentence = sentence.toLowerCase();
// the regex should exclude mercedes-benz -> as mercedesbenz
sentence = sentence.replace ('-','');
return sentence.match(/\b(\w+)\b/g);
var currTest;
var foundFlag=false,
orgSeachString = searchWords,
wordsMatched = [];
var textWords = trimByWord (text);
searchWords = trimByWord ( searchWords);
// loop for every word in deman table lookup record
for (var item in searchWords){
foundFlag = false;
for (var itemx in textWords)
if (searchWords[item] == textWords[itemx]) {
foundFlag = true;
wordsMatched.push (textWords[itemx]);
// a typical searchWords is '2010 BMW 6 Series'
// so, we expect to match the first three keys '2010' and 'BMW' and '6'
if (!foundFlag && item < 3)
return false;
// we need to theck word 'Hybrid': because '2010 BMW 325i' and '2010 BMW 325i Hybrid' are in different lookup records
// and we need to be sure the that matching record does not have a 'hybird'
// otherwise we lookup the wrong record.
if (
// if hybrid is not a already matched word
wordsMatched.indexOf("Hybrid") == -1
// 'hybrid' exist in lookup string ('Hybrid') > -1
) {
//console.log (wordsMatched, orgSeachString)
return false;
if (totalMatches > 2) {
return true;
else {
return false;
for (var lisItem in demandList) {
if ( textMatch ( vehicle , demandList[lisItem].vehicle ) ) {
//console.log (demandList[lisItem].vehicle, ' (found in) -> ', vehicle );
return demandList[lisItem];
return null;
var prepareRunlist = function (runList) {
for (var item in runList) {
// BMW is written wierdly in source data
if ( runList[item]['Make/Model'].search ('B M W') > -1 ) {
runList[item]['Make/Model'] = runList[item]['Make/Model'].replace ('B M W', 'BMW');
//console.log ('B M W replaced to BMW in :' + runList[item]['Make/Model'] );
return _(runList).toArray() ;
var formatCondition = function (conditionStr) {
if (!conditionStr)
return null;
var condition = conditionStr.substring(conditionStr.length-3);
if (condition >= 4.5) {
return 'Outstanding';
} else if (condition >= 3.5 && condition < 4.5) {
return 'Clean';
} else if (condition >= 2.5 && condition < 3.5) {
return 'Average';
else if (condition >= 1.5 && condition < 2.5) {
return 'Rough';
else if (condition < 1.5) {
return 'Damaged';
// of not found; take average
return 'Average';
var getVehicleData = function ( vehicleText, vin, mileage, condition, color, top, finalCallback) {
var apiKey ='3vt78zdmjhubcb2ydatf62m7',
// record
if (processLogging)
console.log (vehicleText, vin, mileage, condition, color, top);
function getStyleId (vehicleData) {
var years = vehicleData.years,
style = {};
if (!years || !vehicleData.years || !vehicleData.years[0].styles) {
return null;
if (years.length >1 ) {
// @todo
// need improvements
style = years [0].styles[0];
error(" More than 1 style is available for this item: " + style );
style = years [0].styles[0];
if (!style)
return null;
if (processLogging)
console.log (" › Selected style:" + );
// Check cache
cache.get(vin, function (err, cachedData) {
cachedData = JSON.parse (cachedData);
if ( cachedData && (
//if TMVData status is set,
//there have been an issue with API lookup,
//this should be renewed FORBIDDEN will be the status for failed calls
(cachedData.TMVData && !cachedData.TMVData.status )
// API lookup is sucessfully made but a missing data returned
// in this case, just return the cache data to avoid another lookup
(cachedData.status == 'MISSINGDATA')
) {
if (processLogging)
ok(' Retrieved vehicle data from cache : ' + vin );
} else {
if (processLogging)
log(' Querying Edmunds API for: ' + vin);
// VIN decode
function(callback) {
request("" + vin +"?fmt=json&api_key=" + apiKey,
function(error, response, vehicleData) {
if (vehicleData){
callback(null, JSON.parse(vehicleData) );
callback({ error: 'VIN lookup failed:' + vehicleData }, null);
// Get pricing data for the vehicle
function(vehicleData, callback) {
// skip vehicles for not found vin
// we simply skip to the next item in runlist
// additional data will not be available
if (!vehicleData || vehicleData.status == 'NOT_FOUND' || vehicleData.status == 'FORBIDDEN' ) {
callback(null, null);
// for some vehicles no style ID returns, wierdly
var styleId = getStyleId(vehicleData) ;
if (!styleId) {
if (errorLogging)
error('Style ID can not be retrieved in VIN lookup :' + vin + ' > ' + JSON.stringify(vehicleData) );
callback({ error: '1' }, vehicleData);
if (!mileage || !_.isString(mileage) ) {
if (errorLogging)
error('Milage data can not be extracted:' + vin + ' > ' + JSON.stringify(vehicleData) );
callback({ error: '1' }, vehicleData);
//Vehicle TMV decode
request("" +
"styleid=" + styleId +
"&condition=" + condition +
"&mileage=" + parseInt ( mileage.replace(',','') ) +
//"&colorid=" + "" +
"&zip=" + zip +
"&fmt=json&api_key=" + apiKey,
function(error, response, TMVData) {
if (!TMVData || TMVData.status == 'NOT_FOUND' || TMVData.status == 'FORBIDDEN' ) {
callback({ error: '2' }, null);
try {
TMVData = JSON.parse (TMVData);
} catch(e) {
if (e)
TMVData = {};
vehicleData.TMVData = TMVData;
callback(null, vehicleData);
], function (err, vehicleData) {
if (err && err.error == 2) {
finalCallback({error: err });
// result now equals 'done'
if (vehicleData) {
// the data which is not enough (missing style information)
// we mark it in the cache, so we dont retreive again
if (err && err.error == 1)
vehicleData.status = 'MISSINGDATA';
setTimeout(function() {
cache.set(vin, JSON.stringify (vehicleData), function(err,reply) {
if (err && err.error == 1)
// cache with missing data is non persistent
cache.expire (vin, 10000000);
}, 200 );
} else {
var defaultFilter = function (item) {
if (!item)
return true;
// high end luxury cars are exluded
excludedMaxMilage = 150000 ,
exludedMinCondition = 2.5 ,
exludedMinYear = 2004,
// this retail price is not dependible and comes as 'regional average' for a typical whicle
// we just use it for initial filtering
// the real retail price comes from edmuns API
// check pricingFilter to filter with actual TMV data
exludedMaxRetailPrice = 13000,
// Demand Ration
// generally ; the average demand is 12
excludedMimimumDemandRatio = 13 ,
// too little views shows small velocity:
// limited buyer population for this vehicle
// so skip them
excludedMinView = 40 ,
// too little inventory MAY show this vehicle is a speciality item,
// rather than a quick turn over product
// so skip the hell of them
excludedMinInventory = 2.5 ,
// formatting condition string
condition = parseFloat( item.Cond[''].substring(2, 8) );
//console.log (item.Cond );
if ( ! eval(item.Ratio) > 0 )
return { filtered: true, type :'No Demand data found'};
if ( item['Year'] < exludedMinYear )
return { filtered: true, type :'Year'};
for ( var item1 in excludedMakes )
if (item['Make/Model'].search (excludedMakes[item1]) > -1 )
return { filtered: true, type :'Make'};
if ( parseInt(item['Odometer']) > excludedMaxMilage )
return { filtered: true, type :'Milage'};
if ( condition < exludedMinCondition )
return { filtered: true, type :'Condition'};
if ( eval(item.Ratio) < excludedMimimumDemandRatio )
return { filtered: true, type :'Demand Ratio'};
if ( parseInt(item.Regional_Price) > exludedMaxRetailPrice )
return { filtered: true, type :'Retail Price'};
if ( item['View']< excludedMinView )
return { filtered: true, type :'Velocity'};
// we expect speciality vehicles should have a demand ratio x3
if ( item.Inventory < excludedMinInventory && eval(item.Ratio) < excludedMimimumDemandRatio * 2)
return { filtered: true, type :'Speciality Vehicle with low demand'};
return false;
var pricingFilter = function (item) {
if (!item)
return true;
// high end luxury cars are exluded
maxTMV= 50000 ;
if ( ! item.Price_TMV_Retail > 0 )
return { filtered: true, type :'No Pricing Data found'};
if ( item.Price_TMV_Retail > maxTMV )
return { filtered: true, type :'High TMV'};
return false;
var getPrices = function (tmv, year, condition, ratio) {
// we need previous sales data
var targetPPVMargin = 20,
maxBidMargin =10,
biddingPrice =0,
tmv = parseInt(tmv),
ratio = parseInt ( eval (ratio) );
function targetPPV(retailPrice) {
// target margins for profit per vehicle
// from highess price to lowest
var PPVMargin = [
purchasePrice: 20000 ,
PPVMargin: 0.10
purchasePrice: 10000 ,
PPVMargin: 0.15
purchasePrice: 0 ,
PPVMargin: 0.20
for (var item in PPVMargin) {
if (parseInt (retailPrice) > parseInt ( PPVMargin[item].purchasePrice ) ) {
return parseInt(retailPrice) * PPVMargin[item].PPVMargin ;
function costs () {
// transport and detailing are fixed for each car
var fixedCost=120,
// repair and recon. cost that depens of the year
// we add up for $100 for each year
variableCost = ( maxYear - year + 1) * 100 ,
// it depends on the vehicle but lets take an average
auctionCost = 300;
return fixedCost + variableCost + auctionCost;
function competitivePricingAdjustment (tmv) {
// this will be initial price discount for our retail prive
var retaildDiscountRatio=0.03 ;
return tmv - ( tmv * retaildDiscountRatio);
function demandAdjustment(biddingPrice, ratio) {
biddingPrice = parseInt(biddingPrice);
// For higher demand we can increate the bid price
demandReflectionPoint = 15,
// we can flex the bidding margin for higher demand vehicles
flexibleMargin = 0.10,
maxDemandScale = 200,
ratio = eval (ratio);
// for high demand vehicles,
// we can increse the bidding price within flexibla margins
var adjustment = biddingPrice * ratio * flexibleMargin / maxDemandScale ;
if (ratio > demandReflectionPoint) {
return biddingPrice + adjustment ;
} else {
return biddingPrice - adjustment;
return biddingPrice;
var retailPrice = competitivePricingAdjustment (tmv);
var totalVehicleCost = retailPrice - targetPPV (retailPrice);
var biddingPrice = totalVehicleCost - costs() ;
var biddingPriceDemandAdjusted = demandAdjustment (biddingPrice, ratio);
var prices = {
"TMV": parseInt(tmv),
"Total_Cost" : parseInt(totalVehicleCost),
"Retail" : parseInt(retailPrice) ,
"Bidding" : parseInt(biddingPrice),
"Demand_Adjusted_Bidding" : parseInt(biddingPriceDemandAdjusted)
//log (JSON.stringify (prices));
return prices;
// ------------------ Define tasks ------------------
grunt.registerTask('build:data:demand', function (runListDate) {
var demand = buildDemandData(),
outputFile = 'dev/tools/grunt/data/source/demand/carsforsale/list.csv',
csv = json2csv({ data:, fields: demand.fields });
fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, csv);
grunt.registerTask('build:data:bidlist', function (runListDate) {
ok('Creating your bid lists, bidi bidi bidi ..... ');
var done = this.async(),
fields = [
// from runlist
'Ln/Run','Year','Make/Model','Cond.','Eng /T','Top','Odometer','Color','VIN',
//from demand data
'Rank', 'View', 'Inventory','Ratio', 'Regional_Price', 'National_Price',
// from edmunds
'Price_TMV_Retail', 'Price_Private_Party', 'Price_Trade_In', 'Price_Certified',
outputFileFolder = 'dev/tools/grunt/data/bid-list/',
outputFile = outputFileFolder + runListDate + '/list.csv';
loadDemanData_array(function (demand) {
var csvtojson = new Converter({}),
runList = getRunListFile(runListDate),
bidList =[],
filtered =0,
demandData = demand;
runList = prepareRunlist (runList);
// for every item in runlist
// append custom data to runlist data
var itemCount=0;
function () {
return itemCount < runList.length - 1;
function (callback_loop) {
var searchString = runList[itemCount]['Year'] + ' ' + runList[itemCount]['Make/Model'];
var itemDemandData = searchDemand (searchString, demandData);
// format strings
runList[itemCount]['Ln/Run'] = new String( runList[itemCount]['Ln/Run'] ) ;
// append demand data
if (itemDemandData) {
runList[itemCount].Rank = itemDemandData.rank;
runList[itemCount].View = itemDemandData.view;
runList[itemCount].Inventory = itemDemandData.inventory;
runList[itemCount].Ratio = itemDemandData.ratio.replace(':','/');
runList[itemCount].Regional_Price = itemDemandData.region_price;
runList[itemCount].National_Price= itemDemandData.national_price;
// main filter for run-lists
// the items will be filtered according to purhasing criteria
var filterApplied=null;
if ( filterApplied = defaultFilter (runList[itemCount])) {
ok (itemCount + ' General Filter applied ('+ filterApplied.type + '), skipping: ' + searchString + ' ' +runList[itemCount]['VIN'] ) ;
//console.log (runList[item] );
if (itemDemandData) {
} else {
//console.log ('Demand data not found for: ' + searchString );
if (processLogging)
log (itemCount + '› ');
getVehicleData (
// wierd condition formatting
formatCondition (runList[itemCount].Cond['']) ,
function(vehicleData) {
if (!vehicleData || vehicleData.error) {
if (processLogging)
error(' › Vehicle data not found for VIN, skiping: ' + runList[itemCount]['VIN'] +' - ' + searchString );
if (vehicleData.status == 'MISSINGDATA') {
if (errorLogging)
error (' VIN lookup is missing necessary data, skipping : ' + runList[itemCount]['VIN'] +' - ' + searchString );
if (vehicleData && vehicleData.TMVData && vehicleData.TMVData.tmv) {
if (vehicleData.TMVData) {
var prices = getPrices (
vehicleData.TMVData.tmv.totalWithOptions.usedTmvRetail ,
runList[itemCount].Price_TMV_Retail = vehicleData.TMVData.tmv.totalWithOptions.usedTmvRetail ;
runList[itemCount].Price_Private_Party = vehicleData.TMVData.tmv.totalWithOptions.usedPrivateParty;
runList[itemCount].Price_Trade_In = vehicleData.TMVData.tmv.totalWithOptions.usedTradeIn;
runList[itemCount].Price_Certified = vehicleData.TMVData.tmv.certifiedUsedPrice;
runList[itemCount].Total_Cost = prices.Total_Cost;
runList[itemCount].Retail = prices.Retail ;
runList[itemCount].Bidding = prices.Bidding ;
runList[itemCount].Demand_Adjusted_Bidding = prices.Demand_Adjusted_Bidding;
// main filter for run-lists
// the items will be filtered according to purhasing criteria
var pricingFilterApplied=null;
if ( pricingFilterApplied = pricingFilter (runList[itemCount])) {
ok (itemCount + ' Pricing Filter applied ('+ pricingFilterApplied.type + '), skipping: ' + searchString + runList[itemCount]['VIN'] ) ;
}else {
// append to bidlist
//go to next item
function (err) {
ok ('------ SUMMARY ---------');
ok ('Total scanned Runlist items: ' + runList.length ) ;
ok (' Retrieved demand data for: ' + (demandFound ) );
ok (' Retrieved pricing data: ' + pricingDataLookup );
ok (' Skipped items by the filters :' + filtered );
ok ('');
ok ('Total created BidList items: ' + bidList.length ) ;
ok ('------------------------');
var demand = buildDemandData();
var csv = json2csv({ data: _(bidList).toArray() , fields: fields });
// prepare folders
//exec ('rmdir -rf' + outputFileFolder + runListDate );
//exec ('mkdir '+ outputFileFolder + runListDate ) ;
fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, csv);
log('Bidlist is created at ' + outputFileFolder + runListDate + '. Happy bidding!');
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