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# Chrome Refresh
# Simple applescript browser reloader for Google Chrome. It will either open a
# new tab with the url passed in as an argument, refresh an existing tab, or open
# a file from your current working directory.
# Link this up with watchr to auto-refresh browser windows when you save files
# or bind it in vim, textmate etc.
Feature: User Reviews // poor feature, needs improvement
Scenario: As a user leaving a review for my property //need to capture validation for form as whole, leave out capy stuff
Given I am on the review page
and I provide name, email address, phone number, rating from 1 to 5, optional review
When I press submit
Then I must select a captcha associated with my phone number and property
When I select the captcha representing my property
and the captcha validates
Then I will be redirected to the thank you page
lfender6445 / gist:6226290
Created August 13, 2013 22:22
restrict googleplaces by United States so it only returns zipcodes and states
// Application Javascript - see for full example
var autocomplete, input, address = {};
input = $("#searchBox");
$('form').submit(function(){ return false; });
var init = function(){
lfender6445 /
Created September 4, 2013 16:46
OSX, pipes to pbcopy. Allows you to parse pivotal story from you current Github branch, matching first sequence of numbers in the branch.
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | egrep -o '\d+'| head -n 1 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy
lfender6445 / gist:6514498
Created September 10, 2013 19:40
stress test for leads
var start, elapsed;
var load_times= [];
var init = function(){
$('body').bind('finished', function(){
elapsed = new Date() - start;
console.log("Elapsed time: " + elapsed);
lfender6445 / query_to_hash.js
Created September 25, 2013 23:55
jQuery convert query string to json
query_to_hash = function() {
var j, q;
q =\?/, "").split("&");
j = {};
$.each(q, function(i, arr) {
arr = arr.split('=');
return j[arr[0]] = arr[1];
return j;
lfender6445 / gist:7649335
Last active December 29, 2015 09:19
jasmine require js trickery
subject = {}
describe 'Main', ->
beforeAll = false
beforeEach ->
return if (beforeAll)
beforeAll = true;
require ['shared/main'], (main) -> subject = main
lfender6445 / gist:9919357
Last active January 7, 2025 06:13
Pry Cheat Sheet

Pry Cheat Sheet

Command Line

  • pry -r ./config/app_init_file.rb - load your app into a pry session (look at the file loaded by
  • pry -r ./config/environment.rb - load your rails into a pry session


<template name='video'>
<p align="center"><input type="button" id="share_screen" value="Share screen"/></p>
<p align="center"><video id="video" autoplay='autoplay'></video></p>
<script language="javascript">
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.getUserMedia;
$('#share_screen').click(function() {
audio: false,
video: {
lfender6445 / gist:b7949bbd127bf88e2d0c
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
syslogd out of control - memory leak, osx fix

Syslogd memory leak, osx fix

syslogd out of control?

syslogd is a daemon/background process that logs and generates messages from the system. if this is eating up your CPU, you can find the offending process and kill it.

  1. Open up terminal and run tail -f /var/log/system.log. You may see some output like this, but it will be very different for you machine:

    Jun 12 11:17:08 lfender-mbp kernel[0]: *** kernel exceeded 500 log message per second limit  -  remaining messages this     second discarded ***

Jun 12 11:17:09 lfender-mbp kernel[0]: Data/Stack execution not permitted: ruby[pid 72771] at virtual address 0x7fbd9c078000, protections were read-write